FI School Lesson 6: Index Investing

FI School Lesson 6

FI School Lesson 6: Index Investing

Index investing is how most in the FIRE community grow wealth. It’s simple, it’s effective, and you don’t need a PhD in economics to be good at it. 

The resources below will teach you everything you need to know!

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🍁 = Canadian content


Disclosure: The book recommendations above include Amazon links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases—at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products which I truly believe in. (But I’d suggest doing the frugal thing and borrowing the books from your library!)


Want to maximize returns, reduce risk, and have more peace of mind? Build your investing knowledge—because more knowledge equals more wealth.

Ready for the fun part? Learn how to plan for your early retirement and make your FI goals a reality.

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  • Reply
    February 17, 2020 at 7:56 am

    Hey Chrissy, just wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying this series but that the 2nd and 3rd Canadian Couch Potato links lead to 404 Page Cannot Be Found errors!

    • Reply
      February 19, 2020 at 1:50 pm

      Cass—you are AWESOME for letting me know! He must’ve done some cleanup and reorganized his site. I’ve checked out the broken links and it looks like all three are now covered by the one link I left in Lesson 6. Thanks so much for notifying me. 🙂

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