Happy 425 Day!

425 day

April 25th is International Financial Independence Awareness Day, or 425 Day. Together the 4% Rule and the Rule of 25 lead to financial independence (

It’s 425 Day!

Have you heard? It’s 425 Day—and I’m celebrating with a bonus post! Why, you ask? 

It’s because of this:

So on this, the inaugural 425 Day, I’m reaffirming why I spend countless hours of my life helping to spread the FI message: I really do believe FI can change our world. Here’s how:

1. FI increases happiness

Photo by Pexels on Pixabay

The FI community’s one of the friendliest places on the internet (and in real life). We’re a pretty happy, satisfied bunch of people! Why is this?

We connect with others

Even the most introverted FI-seekers (ahem—yours truly included) crave connection with like-minded people. It’s well-established that social connections are one of the keys to long-term happiness. So it makes complete sense that the FI community’s such a positive and welcoming place. (At least most of the time!)

We share our knowledge

In the FI community, we love sharing what we’ve learned. We help each other to expand our knowledge, acquire new skills, and improve our mindset—all of which contributes to our overall happiness. (Plus, it strengthens our connections with others.)

We know our whys

When we know our whys (for FI, for life, for earning money, etc.) we’re more motivated. Our whys push us to do the hard things to reach the goals we dream of. We’re also more fulfilled because our awareness makes us more likely to live true to our whys.

We’ve got goals

The FI community’s got all kinds of goals! Goals work in tandem with our whys to motivate us to get things done. As we complete tasks and reach each milestone, we feel a sense of accomplishment and gain confidence (which contributes to our happiness). 

We’re aware

FI-seekers tend to be very in-tune with what makes them happy. (In large part due to the previously-mentioned sharing of knowledge.) Being aware of what brings us joy and what stresses us out plays a huge role in helping us live our best, happiest life.

We’re proactive

Awareness can only get us so far. We also need to be proactive and make changes to improve our lives. FI-seekers are always encouraging and supporting each other to take action. (And not just someday, but now!) This proactivity brings small, constant improvements to our lives, which results in (you guessed it) more happiness!

2. FI improves the lives of others

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FI improves our lives and gives us time and financial freedom. When our own cups are filled, we’re freed to give more to others. (And that’s exactly what many FI-seekers do—both pre and post-FI.) Here’s how:

We have time to help

Once we reach FI, paid work is optional. This frees us to choose how we spend our time. For many FI-seekers, this includes volunteering, mentoring, or even just helping family and neighbours. Whatever the case—the freedom FI grants us often benefits our community and world. 

We have the means to give more

Because we’re financially stable (or even financially abundant) we have the means to give more to others. We also have the knowledge to maintain our nest eggs and ensure they’re sustainable long into the future—enabling us to give confidently and generously.

We have knowledge to share

This is so powerful that it bears repeating. By sharing what we know, we help others live their best lives too. Blogging allows me to do just that—I can freely share what I’ve learned and benefit others. 

3. FI is good for our planet

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Financial independence doesn’t automatically lead to a greener lifestyle. But very often, the choices we make to reach FI are good for our wallets and the Earth. Here’s how:

We’re frugal

Most FI-seekers practice frugality—and frugal choices also tend to be green choices. (For example, mending clothes saves money and reduces landfill waste.) Even if your focus is only on frugality and not on green practices, you’ll still end up doing a lot for our planet’s health.

We’re mindful

FI-seekers aim to spend mindfully and cut waste. We don’t just follow the consumerist culture around us. We carefully consider our purchases—which usually leads to less consumption. (And less consumption’s always a win for the Earth!)

We’re optimizers

FI-seekers are optimizers. That means we live in smaller homes, drive smaller cars, choose quality over quantity, etc. Over many years, these daily choices add up to a greatly reduced impact on the Earth (and huge savings for us).

We’re aware

This is another point worth repeating. The FI community is very aware of social issues—including humans’ impact on the Earth. This awareness leads to more mindful consumption, and often leads to the desire to advocate for more sustainable living. 

Summing it up

I hope this article’s opened your eyes to how FI benefits us, others, and the planet. Join in and celebrate 425 Day by sharing the message! You can do this by:

  • Sharing articles that advocate for FI—like the ones on this blog (use the handy sharing buttons at the bottom of your screen). 
  • Telling your friends and family about FI and why you’re pursuing it. (Or tell the world by starting your own blog or podcast!)
  • Commenting on FI blogs, tweeting about #FI, joining FI Facebook groups—anything that’ll keep the conversation going.

Want to learn more about FI?

I’ve got the perfect FREE resource for you! Check out FI School. It’s a curated, easy-to-follow resource—designed to take the overwhelm out of the FI journey. 

Get started, progress through the stages of FI, and reach your goals with FI School.

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If you liked this article and want more content like this, please support this blog by sharing it! Not only does it help spread the FIRE, but it lets me know what content you find most useful. (Which encourages me to write more of it!) 

You can also support this blog by visiting my recommendations page and purchasing through the links. Note that not every link is an affiliate link—some are just favourite products and services that I want to share. 🙂

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  • Reply
    Michael @ Financially Alert
    April 25, 2019 at 1:19 am

    Hello, fellow FI enthusiast! I didn’t realize 425 was a thing, but I’m glad it is. 🙂

    • Reply
      April 25, 2019 at 4:43 am

      Hi Michael, I’ve seen your comments on some of my favourite blogs—thanks for stopping by here! It’s nice to officially “meet” you. 😄

  • Reply
    April 25, 2019 at 4:54 am

    Great list of FI benefits, Chrissy! I’m proud to be part of the 4/25 launch with you. I especially appreciate the mention of helping others – frequent volunteering is definitely part of my post-FI plan.

    • Reply
      April 25, 2019 at 11:30 am

      Thanks PFI! Imagine how many volunteering hours FI might free up all over the world? Pretty amazing to consider it…

  • Reply
    Ms. Mod
    April 25, 2019 at 5:51 am

    I love it Chrissy! Happy 4/25 day to you as well and keep on spreading the good word ;). Yay for a bonus post!

  • Reply
    April 25, 2019 at 7:47 pm

    Happy 425 day. I’m glad you’re spreading the word. This coincides with April being Financial Literacy Month. So happy people like you are on this FI journey. ☺

    • Reply
      April 25, 2019 at 9:03 pm

      Aww, such kind words. Thanks Kris. I know there’s been some negativity and friction in the FI community recently, but for the most part, we really are a happy, friendly bunch.

      I’m glad to have ‘met’ you and so many other great bloggers.

      (And I didn’t realize April was Financial Literacy Month! It’s like it was meant to be. 😁)

  • Reply
    May 3, 2019 at 11:15 am

    Chrissy, I think that even if people don’t go all out for financial independence, but just maybe get more of a grip on their finances, add to their savings regularly and consume less, the FIRE movement is helping to make the world a better and happier place. As you say, it is such a supportive community that being part of it is an amazing feeling.

    • Reply
      May 4, 2019 at 7:45 pm

      You’re so right Sam. Very well said!

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