FI School Lesson 13: Happiness
We all have different reasons for FI, but they all lead to the one true why: happiness. Without happiness, there’s no meaning and fulfillment in FI and all the money we’ve saved.
Let’s not forget this critical element—not only once we reach FI, but during the FI journey.

- Build the Life You Want Then Save for It (a long post with this key takeaway):
I look back at the past few years of my life and at my bank account and I would gladly give away a hefty chunk of it and work longer if it meant I could have experienced more of the world and found more passions I could have for the rest of my life, especially with someone I had loved so much.
I built my savings, but I never built my life.
- Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
- Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar
- The Pursuit of Perfect by Tal Ben-Shahar
- Being Happy by Tal Ben-Shahar
- Choose the Life You Want by Tal Ben-Shahar
Disclosure: The book recommendations above include Amazon links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases—at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products which I truly believe in. (But I’d suggest doing the frugal thing and borrowing the books from your library!)
Seeking greater happiness, health, and wealth? Continually growing and improving ourselves can lead us to all that we seek and more.
Want to travel the world for free or cheap? You can with travel hacking! Learn how to get started with this lucrative hobby.
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