Me in Korea last March—at the time, still fiercely guarding my identity!
I mentioned in my Q1 blog update that I’d recently decided to come out with my identity. (Eek!) Yep, I agreed to be interviewed and photographed for a magazine article.
Before I share the article, I thought I’d explain why I’ve blogged anonymously (until now) and why I finally decided to come out…
Why so private?
From the beginning of my blogging journey, I’ve been very careful about how much I reveal online. Here are some of the reasons why:
- I’m worried about internet weirdos and trolls.
- I’m protective of my family’s privacy.
- I’m nervous about revealing our FI plans to friends who may not get it.
- I didn’t want too many people in real life knowing about my blog (in case it was a total flop)!
For these reasons and more, I decided it was best to start blogging anonymously. That way, I could always choose to keep my identity secret—or reveal more as I felt more comfortable. (Which is what I’ve ended up doing.)
What changed?
If I’d been asked a year ago to appear in a magazine article, the answer would’ve been an immediate and hard no. But now that I’ve been blogging for 16 months, I feel more comfortable with putting myself out there. Here’s why:
- The personal finance community is unbelievably warm and welcoming. I’ve been SO lucky to have only had positive, friendly interactions online. This has helped to build my courage and confidence.
- I’m just a little bit proud of what I’ve built with this blog and my podcast. 😊 If friends and acquaintances stumble across it, I hope they do figure out it’s me… and come asking for more info about FI.
- My big goal for this blog is to spread the FIRE (especially in Canada). That’s because I believe in FI and its potential to change lives and the world. The more I put myself out there, the more I can further this goal.
I’ll never reveal everything, but I’ve come to believe that sharing more about myself is overall a good thing. 👍
The story behind the story
Now that you know why I chose to be anonymous (and why I changed my mind) it’s time to share the story behind my magazine interview…
For all you impatient types
I know some of you just want to get to the interview and finally see what I look like! If that’s you, skip to my interview here: Meet the millennials who are reinventing retirement.
Be sure to check out the rest of the article too—other favourite Canadian bloggers are also featured! Now, for those who want the whole story and a peek behind the scenes, read on.
It all started with a message
In mid-January, I received a message from a writer named Ali Amad. He was working on an article for Pivot Magazine about FIRE, and asked if I was interested in being interviewed.
I was intrigued, and asked him for more info. He said I would be one of a handful of other interviewees who’d be featured in the article. Cool! But then he threw me a curveball: this wasn’t just a written interview.
Nope—this was going to be the full meal deal. Not only would I have to make my identity public, but I’d also have to be photographed!!!
Stepping into the light
As you know, I blog anonymously and never show my face on my blog or social media. The only image I share of myself is my cute little anime avatar (courtesy of the lovely and talented Emiko at the Kyoto Manga Museum):

Until now, this was the only image I’ve ever shared of myself
The prospect of revealing my identity in a national magazine was absolutely terrifying! My gut reaction was to politely say no and suggest someone else. But something stopped me.
In the back of my mind, I knew this interview was a big opportunity. It would not only help to spread the FIRE in Canada, but I could also share my blog and podcast with a new audience.
I knew I couldn’t let my fears hold me back. At that point, I was almost ready to say yes, but I paused and asked Ali if I could think it over—there were a few things I needed to check before I committed.
Ali was very understanding, and said that was no problem. I agreed to get back to him within a day.
Doing my due diligence
To be honest, I’d never heard of Pivot Magazine before. (Which makes sense, since I’m not a CPA!) I wanted to learn more about them and what kind of magazine it was.
I found their PDF archive and downloaded a few of their past issues… and wow, was I impressed. Not only were the articles and writing engaging, but the design and photography were gorgeous.
I loved the tone, look, and feel of the magazine… and inched a little closer to saying yes.
Checking in with the family
The next thing I needed to do was check in with my family—I couldn’t make this decision without them. For this, I turned to my three closest confidantes: my husband M, my twin sister, and M’s mom.
I wanted them to tell me if I was making a horrible mistake. Was I crazy to do this? Their thoughts were unanimous—it was definitely worth doing. Pivot was a legitimate, high-quality publication. As long as I didn’t reveal too much, it should be safe to go ahead with the interview.
With their support firmly in place, I took the plunge and messaged Ali—I was on board!
Two weeks of stress
Once I gave Ali the go-ahead, the wheels were set in motion. We agreed on an interview date, then he told me that Pivot would arrange for a local photographer to do the photo shoot.
All of this was to happen within two weeks—yikes! Naturally, I spent the entire two weeks freaking out:
- Will I regret outing myself?
- Will I flub the interview?
- What if I say something wrong?
- What should I wear for the shoot?
- What if I look horrid in the photo?
- What if people are shocked by how different I look from my cute little anime avatar?
- Where will we do the shoot—inside or outside?
- If it’s inside, our house isn’t ‘showhomey’ enough to be photographed!
- If it’s outside, what will we do if it rains?
Ack! I had so many worries, and there were so many unknowns. It was all I could do to hold it together.
The interview
My interview with Ali happened within a few days, and it went really well. (Mostly because Ali is a fantastic interviewer!) He gave me time to answer each question in-depth, and spent time clarifying things so he could be as accurate as possible.
I think we were on the phone for 30–40 minutes, but it felt like only 10. I can’t say enough nice things about Ali. He’s a lovely person and so pleasant to talk to. He put me at ease and seemed genuinely interested in learning more about me and FIRE.
Ali was also extremely accommodating with my desire to preserve as much privacy as possible. He worked with me and his editor to allow me to keep some things private: my family’s names and ages, where my husband works, and a photo of our entire family.
Thank you for all your patience and understanding, Ali!
The interview was so enjoyable, and it turned out to be the easy part. Unfortunately, the much scarier part was still to come…
The photoshoot
Soon after my interview with Ali, I received an email from a Vancouver-based photographer named Grady Mitchell. We emailed back and forth and agreed on a date to meet.
Unfortunately, as I’d worried it would, it rained on the day of the shoot. And it wasn’t just any old rain—it was a torrential downpour. ALL day.
On the morning of the shoot, Grady and I texted each other to decide what to do. We both agreed that an outdoor setting was far more desirable, and he assured me that he was game to shoot in the rain. So that’s what we did!
Challenge upon challenge
For about 45 minutes, Grady, Mika and I traipsed around the forest as the rain came pouring down. It was so wet that my waterproof mascara ran and my waterproof jacket leaked—ugh.
Sheltering under the trees wasn’t an option because it was a really dark day, and Grady needed us out in the light. To keep myself from looking like a drowned rat, I had to put on my hood between shots, then take it off right before Grady was ready to shoot.
It was not an easy situation to photograph in, but Grady handled all of it like a pro. He was an absolute pleasure to work with—so much so that I’d do it all over again! If you’re looking for a talented photographer in the Vancouver area, I’d highly recommend Grady.
Photographer on FIRE
To top it all off, Grady told me he knew about FIRE and had been living the FIRE lifestyle long before he even discovered it. He lived efficiently, cooked almost all his meals at home, and didn’t own a car. How awesome is that?!
The article

Image courtesy of Pivot Magazine
The article portrays FIRE in a realistic, positive way—no extremism or bashing. If this was the only article someone read about the FIRE movement, I’d be very happy with that.
It shows that we’re regular Canadians who just made some optimized, deliberate choices to live our best lives. I’m proud to be included in this esteemed group of FIRE walkers, and hope that our stories inspire others to learn more.
Other thoughts
Despite all my fretting and worrying, the photo turned out beautifully—even though I look a little too smiley! My sister took one look and said, “That’s so you!” And I guess she’s right. All my life, I’ve been teased for my perma-smile. Ha ha.
I do wish I could make some minor edits to the article though. For one, I’d say that I now see the value of a good financial planner. (We’ve been with ours for over two years, and couldn’t be happier.) I’d also remove the mention of us going to Okinawa in March (which as you all know, we didn’t)!
Still, I couldn’t be happier with the article. Ali did a fantastic job of condensing our interview into a wonderful write-up, and Grady’s photography was superb. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity, and I hope it does help to spread the FIRE.
How I feel about anonymity now
Surprisingly, now that the cat’s out of the bag, I’m not so scared to have my name and face out there. I hope my lack of anime eyes and cuteness wasn’t too much of a shock! But I also hope, now that you know what I look like, you feel you know me a little better.
At this time, I have no plans to share more photos of me or to stop using my anime portrait. Maybe in the future I’ll splash my face all over the blog, but for now, it’ll just stay here. 🙂
Share your thoughts
Are you an anonymous blogger? If so, would you ever consider ‘coming out’? If not, do you regret being in the public eye?
And what do you think of the article? Was it fair to the FIRE community? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
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The Twin
May 12, 2020 at 5:37 pmAt the time, it seemed like such a scary, big step for you to take. But now that you’re “out”, it’s clear it was a fantastic choice, and the timing couldn’t have been better. Super proud of you! 👏🏼
May 12, 2020 at 7:00 pmHey sis—you know how scared I was! But it made a huge difference to have your backing and support. Thank you for helping to get me through those two weeks!
Court @ Modern FImily
May 12, 2020 at 5:39 pmMajor congrats on both the article and the coming out! Loved the article, and you’re totally right, you’re with such great company! We’re very open with our identity on our blog but we haven’t been able to come out of the financial independence closet with many of our closest friends and family – so I think we’re very opposite in that regard! I joke all the time that we’re finding it harder to come out to loved ones about being able to retire in our 30s than to have to come out as lesbians!
May 12, 2020 at 7:04 pmHi Court—we are so opposite in who we’re ‘out’ with! I always find it so interesting (and think it’s a really good thing) that you felt so safe to come out as lesbians. Don’t worry about coming out about FI—that can always come later! Thanks, as always, for your support and encouragement, friend. ♥
Ryan Myricks
May 12, 2020 at 6:39 pmCongrats Chrissy! I love how you carefully and methodically said yes to the magazine. Everything about this is so you, and long before I saw a picture of you there was no doubt in my mind that you’re the smiley type.
May 12, 2020 at 7:07 pmHi Ryan—ha ha, you know me too well. Yep, I’m Chrissy the over-analyzer and second-guesser! It’s often not so helpful to be that way, but I suppose in situations like these, it helps to protect me. Thanks for cheering me on. 🙂
May 12, 2020 at 8:06 pmI love it!! It’s a great article and photo. You don’t look like I would have imagined but you are super pretty & I do recognize your spirit! Congrats and keep spreading the FIRE…
May 13, 2020 at 11:14 pmHi Deanna—thank you for such a lovely, beautiful comment. ❤️ I’m happy to hear you liked the article, and yes… I fully intend to keep spreading the FIRE!
May 12, 2020 at 8:39 pmHello stranger. 😉 Glad to see that you’re coming out.
May 13, 2020 at 11:17 pmHi Bob! Thanks again for the “gentle nudge” to put myself out there. 😆 You’ve helped me to get a little braver about it.
Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life
May 12, 2020 at 8:52 pmCongrats on the feature! And nice to “meet” you 😁
I’ll probably always stay anonymous, I’m too used to my secret second identity now.
May 13, 2020 at 11:23 pmHi Revanche—you’ve done such a good job of keeping your identity secret. It works well for you, so I’d vote to keep it that way!
Thrifty Hustler
May 12, 2020 at 9:56 pmCongrats Chrissy!
May 13, 2020 at 11:24 pmThanks, Thrifty Hustler! I appreciate the support. 🥰
Ben Greenback
May 12, 2020 at 10:20 pmNice article and congrats to you. I can understand not wanting to divulge everything personal on the internet wherein it can be tied back to you. But I think it inevitably happens to most folks who continue to write extensively. So again, nice work on what you’ve built here.
May 13, 2020 at 11:31 pmHi Ben—I agree that the longer I blog, the more I’ll inevitably reveal about my life. I’ll have to remind myself of this, and continue to keep my boundaries clear!
Thanks for the kind words and for sharing your insight.
May 13, 2020 at 3:10 amLovely article and photo! I think my favorite posts are these coming out posts from long-time bloggers like this one and when Tanja did hers. And to borrow a phrase from Tanja, “Hiya!” Nice to “meet” you 😁
May 13, 2020 at 11:34 pmHiya Josh—it’s nice to meet you too! I also love reading other bloggers’ coming out posts. There’s always an interesting story behind it. Thanks for the lovely comment!
Dividend Power
May 13, 2020 at 3:23 amCongratulations on coming out! I like the picture. -DP
May 13, 2020 at 11:42 pmHi Dividend Power—thank you!
May 13, 2020 at 6:39 amIt’s a wonderful story, and feels like a really positive step for you, your blog, and FI in Canada. Thanks for sharing, Chrissy!
May 13, 2020 at 11:43 pmHi Carol—thank you for your support, my friend. Your comments always make me smile. 🥰
May 13, 2020 at 7:30 amGreat Chrissy! I’ve only just started blogging and you’ve hit on every point that was holding me back and wanting to be anonymous. Being completely anonymous wasn’t possible anyway because I want to connect with you and others on a personal level from the facebook group. This post gives me courage to one day do the same and not be so worried about the trolls and people who don’t “get it.”
May 13, 2020 at 11:48 pmHi Sterling—congrats again on launching your blog. I know how much work and courage it takes to put yourself out there, so bravo to you for doing it!
I’d say take your time and get comfortable with blogging semi-anonymously at the beginning. You’ll know when you’re ready to reveal more.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I’m excited to read more of your story on your blog!
Money Mechanic
May 13, 2020 at 9:33 amHaving met you a few times, I will have to agree with the perma-smile! Great job coming out and telling a bit of your story.
May 13, 2020 at 11:53 pmHello, friend! Thanks for leaving a comment. (I know you rarely have time to do so, and I’m honoured whenever you do!)
LOL—yep, you’ve witnessed the perma-smile firsthand! 😆
Jim @ Route to Retire
May 13, 2020 at 9:50 amCongrats, Chrissy – great to put a face (well, a non-avatar face) with your blog! 🙂
Similar to you, I “de-anonymized” a couple of years back… no regrets and no problems. It’s always going to be a personal decision based on so many factors, but I’ll say that I think it made my site more relatable for readers when I could post real photos of myself and my family.
Nice job on spreading the word on FIRE in the article!
May 14, 2020 at 12:00 amHi Jim—I know I’ve enjoyed seeing real photos (and videos) of you, Lisa and Faith! There’s a different, deeper kind of connection when bloggers do that.
It’s great to hear you’ve had no regrets about it. Perhaps one day I’ll be completely out like you and your family!
For now, I’ll keep taking little baby steps into the light. Thanks for coming by to comment. ☺️
May 13, 2020 at 9:54 amCongratulations on the article and dropping anonymity. I loved the flow of the story and description of your considerate choices. I’m still holding onto my anon status, but your experience certainly swayed me. Great feature!
May 14, 2020 at 12:05 amHi Ed—thanks for your kind words. I always hope that by sharing my story, it’ll help others to find their own unique paths.
Comments like yours makes all the hard work of blogging worth it! I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts.
May 13, 2020 at 12:34 pmComing out in style! Congrats on a great article. You and Mika look wonderful– no hint of all the crazy rain.
I can understand your hesitation to do this reveal. But, you did your due diligence and you made a splash on a reputable publication. I think you’ve done something powerful for your blog and for the FIRE movement.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful smile! 🙂
May 14, 2020 at 12:11 amHi Ana—you never fail to warm my heart with your thoughtful comments. Thank you for your support and for journeying with me.
I’ve been very fortunate to have met so many lovely people through my blog. It made it far less scary to come out, knowing there are friends like you to cheer me on. ❤️
May 13, 2020 at 2:14 pmI’m definitely still an anonymous blogger but only for now! I have the exact same reasons as you but was hoping to “come out” once I built up a bit more on social media and the blog. Just recently started using my name but haven’t gotten around to the photo part… It’s refreshing to see that it really isn’t anything to be scared of! Thanks for sharing!
May 14, 2020 at 12:14 amHi Scarlett—it’s nice to meet you! I’m glad that sharing my story was helpful to you.
This is exactly why I want to put myself out there—to help others, and to show that there’s someone else with the same struggles and fears.
You’ll have to share your coming out post with me one day!
Reverse The Crush
May 13, 2020 at 3:39 pmHey Chrissy, congrats on your article! It’s nice to finally know who I’m talking to after the last year. I think it’s awesome that you are proud of your blog and podcast. You should be! I hope this helps with your goal to spread the message. Although I will likely stay anonymous for now, I will definitely be interested in seeing how it helps you grow you blog. It is something I will consider in the future. Thanks for sharing!
May 14, 2020 at 8:35 amHi Graham—I’d so love to “meet” you one day if you ever decide to do the big reveal! It is really nice to be able to put a face to the writing.
But even if you never out yourself, your writing is so open and honest, that I still feel like I know you. 🙂
Thank you for all the kind words. They mean a lot!
Phia @ Freedom 101
May 14, 2020 at 3:34 pmCongrats Chrissy! It’s a great article, the picture is awesome, and bravo for making the big leap!
May 17, 2020 at 10:05 pmThank you Phia! It was a HUGE leap for me. But everyone has been so supportive and excited that it’s helped me realize it was the right move. ☺️
May 14, 2020 at 6:57 pmCongrats on coming out, I can totally relate to how nerve wracking an experience it can be! We are regular readers of Pivot in our household so it will be great to see you in print and to be able to use this as a talking piece for friends and family, once we all start hanging out again, that is! I blog anonymously for pretty much the same reasons as you. In my case, I’m in an industry that’s very risk averse and high scrutiny, so the greater the separation I can put between myself the blog and my formal work, the better. Until we become FI, that is.
Looking forward to more great content from your blog, and your podcast as well!
May 18, 2020 at 12:17 amHi Mary—thank you for leaving such a lovely, thoughtful comment. It seems many bloggers have similar worries about revealing their identities. It’s a tricky decision for sure!
It’s very cool to know that one of my readers is also a Pivot reader—who would’ve guessed?
Thanks for taking the time to comment, read, and listen! I’m grateful for your support. 🙂
May 15, 2020 at 10:41 amCongrats Chrissy! Big step but very excited for you! The magazine article looks awesome!
May 18, 2020 at 5:57 pmHi Tae—thank you for the kind words! I hope you and your family are doing well.
M @ Radical FIRE
May 15, 2020 at 1:51 pmYayyy I love this! It seems like you gave it a lot of thought and the outcome is absolutely great. I live in Netherlands, another rainy country, it sucks when it rains all day. I have to say you look great in the picture, no ‘wet cat’ vibe at all. Awesome!
May 18, 2020 at 9:40 pmHi M—you’re so sweet. Your comment made me smile, thank you. ❤️
PS If you zoom in on my sleeve, you’ll see just how soggy it was!
Alain Guillot
May 15, 2020 at 5:09 pmThank you for sharing. I felt like writing to you so many times, I like what you write, but I felt at a disadvantage position. Here I was, talking about my thoughts to someone who hides her identity. So, I never did approach you. I never commented on your stuff. But now that you have revealed who you are, I am happy to interact with you.
Thank you for your nice post. 🙂
May 18, 2020 at 9:43 pmHi Alain—I’m honoured that you’ve been reading my blog, and even more honoured that you’ve taken the time to leave a comment.
If revealing my identity is what it took to get you to do that, well then it was worth it! 😆
I look forward to conversing with you more often.
May 15, 2020 at 11:45 pmHi Chrissy – congrats on the interview and ‘coming out’.
Im pseudo anonymous (but not so anonymous that 2 millenials at work found my blog, grrrrr).
I enjoy being ‘me’ and authentic on my blog, but i wish i could be anonymous enough on my blog to be more transparent about my finances, which i think would help my readers.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts
May 18, 2020 at 9:58 pmHi Shaun—how cool to see a comment from you! I’ve come across your name and blog so many times. It’s nice to connect with you here.
LOL about your millennial coworkers finding your blog. I’ve yet to be “discovered” by anyone in real life.
I totally agree that if I were 100% anonymous, I could reveal so much more and maybe be more helpful to my readers.
But I guess we can’t have it all, right? We just have to weigh the pros and cons, then make the best choice for our own situations.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!
May 16, 2020 at 12:40 pmCongrats on being featured in a magazine article Chrissy and really liked how you planned out on making sure it was a great decision to reveal yourself by checking in with your family and doing some research on the magazine itself.
Really happy for you and a big step to spreading the movement up in Canada. Wouldn’t be surprised that you’ll be one of the top spokesperson of the FI Canada movement within a year or two because not just that article but also your blog and podcast.
May 18, 2020 at 11:09 pmHi Kris—how did you know my secret goal was to take over and become the ruler of all things FI in Canada? 😆
Ha ha, just kidding. All I want is to spread the FI message and bring financial security and confidence to more people. If my blog, podcast, and a bit of media coverage helps me to do that, I’m happy to put myself out there.
Thanks for the comment and the kind words (as always)!
Bob Wen
May 17, 2020 at 7:17 amWell done! I’ve fired the story off to my kids for inspiration.
May 18, 2020 at 11:11 pmHi Bob—I hope your kids enjoy the article. Second-generation FI in action! Thanks for the support. 🥰
May 17, 2020 at 11:50 amAs a former reporter (I worked for a local paper for almost six years before pivoting into communications), it always makes me smile when people have good experiences with media. As an industry, I feel like media is in a weird place with a lot of mistrust, but there are so many folks out there doing not just good work, but important work. This definitely falls into that category.
You’re totally right — that photo is so cute! You would NEVER know the conditions were less than ideal. Sign of a great photographer, for sure! Loved the writeup, too (and bookmarked the link to read all the others, too).
For me…I’ve always been out-ish. I say ish because while I use my name and image, I try to stay out of some details, particularly related to my employment. My big thing has always been keeping my professional and personal life separate, at least a bit. I think it helps at least a little that I use my maiden name at work.
Anyway! Congratulations on coming out of anonymity!
May 18, 2020 at 11:35 pmHi Tara—you don’t look old enough to have had another career for six years!
But wow, how cool that you were previously a reporter! (It’s a job that’s always intrigued me.) I love getting your insider’s take on things… it’s a world that I know very little about.
It’s so true that the media has created a lot of mistrust in recent years. That’s too bad, because, as you say, there are lots of good people doing important work.
I’ve found it interesting to read what you and other bloggers choose to reveal and hide. Clearly, it’s a very personal decision. Boundaries are important and needed to be respected!
Thanks for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment.
May 19, 2020 at 5:24 pmHa! I get that a lot 🙂 Started my first gig straight out of university and transitioned just before getting married. You could say I was busy in my 20s (which makes me hope my 30s are a little more settled, but hey, who knows).
Reporting was interesting. There are days I miss it…but there was a reason I made the switch, the biggest being uh…wanting some work life balance. Still, when big things happen, I do sort of miss being right in the middle of it all.
Re: boundaries — that’s what I’ve found, too. I think it helped that I decided very early on what I was and was not willing to share about myself in a public forum. Of course, the opportunity to actually take on a bit of a “new” identity after getting married really helped that, too. Makes it a lot easier to divide work from play, if that makes sense.
May 21, 2020 at 8:48 pmHi Tara—reporting is a unique and dynamic career choice, and I’m sure there were also many non-monetary benefits that you miss (swag, behind-the-scenes access, free events). However, once you meet someone and settle down, I can imagine it would be a tough career to be in!
It seems a lot of bloggers want a clear boundary between work and play. It’s totally understandable, given all the complications that blurring the line could create. Boundaries are good for our sanity and online safety, so I’m all for them!
May 17, 2020 at 1:08 pmChrissy, it was really strange at first hearing your voice on the podcast after reading so many of your comments on my blog, but I always enjoyed listening to your wise words. After learning what you sound like it’s lovely to finally put a face to the voice. Well done for taking the leap. I’m still not as brave as you. My partner still doesn’t know about my blog and I can’t imagine ‘coming out’ yet. Good luck. Hopefully it will bring lots more readers to ESBFI and EFIC. Best wishes, Sam
May 18, 2020 at 11:40 pmHi Sam—I can relate to that weirdness of hearing the voice behind the written words! That’s exactly how I feel anytime I listen to podcast interviews of bloggers I follow.
It still amazes me that you’ve managed to keep your blog a secret from your partner! I don’t know how you do it! You must be very stealthy with your computer time, LOL.
You’re one of my longest-term readers/listeners, and it warms my heart every time I hear from you. Thank you for the lovely comment.
Tonya@Budget and the Beach
May 21, 2020 at 6:46 amCongratulations! I think it’s so much easy to just be out and open so you’re not constantly wondering all the time if you’ve been found out. And it’s a great coming out story! lol! Best of luck going forward!
May 21, 2020 at 8:40 pmHi Tonya—you know what? I didn’t realize how much freer I’d feel once I came out. As you say, now I don’t have to worry about being found out. That’s a huge relief!
Thanks for the kind words and for taking the time to comment. 🙂
May 23, 2020 at 11:07 pmLoved the series in the CPA magazine, how novel and innovative! Congratulations on taking the big step to ‘come out’! That’s huge (though I could never do it, haha!). Keep up the great work!!
May 25, 2020 at 8:26 pmHi GYM—as one of Canada’s most popular and established PF bloggers, you must turn down media requests left and right, ha ha! It seems that’s the only way to remain totally anonymous. It’s definitely working for you, so may as well keep it up.
Russell J. (Russ) Sawatsky
May 31, 2020 at 4:58 pmI’m a bit late to the reveal party… but congratulations on doing so and for he great write-up. I wish you well on the ongoing journey toward FI. (And, if I may say so, thanks for endorsing financial planners as that is the new career I embarked upon last fall.)
May 31, 2020 at 10:17 pmHi Russ—it’s nice of you to stop by! It’s been a while. Thank you for the kind words.
I have definitely seen the value of a good financial planner, both for myself and my in-laws. We need more good people like you to help people with their money!
June 2, 2020 at 8:47 amSo happy to have stumbled upon your blog. Looking forward to reading about your journey. I think its a big move to go from anonymous to being identified, but it sounds like for your message and mission it was the right decision. I think positivity is so important when one is trying to fundamentally help others, and helping people digest and consider financial freedom is so important. We need more female FIRE bloggers out there. I’ve been reading FIRE blogs for over a decade now and we reached our number already, but I still work. I still like to read the blogs though. I felt there was a very heavy male presence and some of the advice was not applicable. Not their fault, but their respective did not resonate with me after a while as a professional woman. Especially when there were comments about how hard raising kids was while there were two stay at home parents and they had hit FIRE already, and I was working full time, pregnant, and raising a toddler at the same time. I blog anonmyously but everyone knows it’s me. I do it weirdly more to try to get other doctors to pick up trash, that is it. I figure I’m just drplasticpicker #1 and there should be #1000 or more of us! LOL Your blog aesthetically if very nice. Shows how much care you put into it!
June 2, 2020 at 4:16 pmThanks for the comment, Dr. Plastic Picker. I absolutely agree that we need more diverse voices in the FIRE community—different genders, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, countries of residence—all of it.
I’ve been binge-reading your blog since I discovered it (after finding it through your previous comment). I really enjoy your writing style. It’s very smart and witty, and I look forward to reading more from you. 😉
I would love to see you meet your goal of getting other doctors to pick up trash, LOL. What an amazing world that would be, if we could have an army of doctors cleaning our planet in their spare time!
I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts here (I know how busy doctors are)!
Moe (Moementum Finance)
February 25, 2023 at 1:22 pmThis is so awesome, Chrissy! I’m glad I found this post through your latest FIRE life update 😃 I definitely miss the podcast you co-hosted with Money Mechanic.
February 26, 2023 at 8:16 pmHi Moe—aww, thanks for the support and kind words. I miss the podcast as well and wish it was less time-consuming to do. I’m impressed that you’re so consistent with your YouTube channel. (I think video is even harder than audio only!)