One of these things is not like the others… (Photo credit: Lilo the Husky)
Weirdness is kind of a prerequisite for FI. As FI-seekers, we choose to think different and live different—and we like it that way!
Some of us (hello, Mrs. Frugalwoods) are frugal weirdos. And others (like Mr. Tako) are varied in our weirdness. Then there’s the tribe of weirdos that I’m part of: we’re frugal, and we have the additional ‘credential’ of being unusually eco-conscious… we’re the frugal eco weirdos.
The real truth…
All of us in the FI community are, to some degree, frugal eco weirdos.
That’s because being on the FI path means you tend to make frugal choices… and frugal choices tend to also be green choices.
For example: buying used saves money and resources; biking to work saves gas and our ozone layer; eating less meat shrinks our grocery bill and lightens our burden on the earth.
So… simply pursuing FI makes you a frugal eco weirdo. 🙂
My path to frugal weirdness

Barry Choi’s I’m Frugal Because I’m Asian perfectly explains how I came to be as frugal as I am. Like Barry’s parents, my mom and dad were immigrants who weren’t highly educated.
But they knew how to work hard, save hard, and live on less. In doing so, my parents gave me and my siblings an amazing childhood, and now have far more than needed in retirement.
I simply followed in their footsteps to become the frugal weirdo I am today!
My path to eco weirdness

My eco-mindedness came in the early 90s. I remember there was a green revolution at the time; people were talking about recycling, climate change, and deforestation.
I was a young teen—very impressionable and open to big, new ideas. I loved the messaging: that each of us could do our part and make a difference. I immediately hopped on the eco-conscious bandwagon, and have never looked back.
Embracing my frugal eco weirdness

via GIPHY (original photo credit: Hailey Bartholomew)
Why am I so enthusiastic about being weird, and why do I put myself out there? Here are a few good reasons:
1. It’ll help us reach FI sooner
Being weird is helpful (and maybe even necessary) on the FI journey. Most people would never consider doing the ‘weird’ things we do in pursuit of FI: house hacking, saving 50% (or more) of our income, rarely eating out, using our stuff until it wears out, etc.
As odd as some people might think we are, we’re happy to follow our weirdo pursuits. Not only are we leaving a lighter footprint on the earth, but we’re also reaching FI sooner. What’s not to like about that?
2. So other weirdos know they’re not alone
There are others like me (hi, Angela) and I’m so glad that’s the case! Being weird often makes us the odd ones out, and it can be a lonely path. It’s comforting to find friendly comrades to journey with. I’m happy to stick out and be weird if it means others can also be brave and ‘come out’.
3. I’m an environmentalist at heart
Preserving our world for future generations is a passion of mine. I want more of us to pause and reconsider the disposable culture we live in. If everyone put just a little more effort into being frugal and green, imagine how much better off our earth and its citizens could be.
4. I’m doing my part
My big goal for this blog is to make a difference in other’s lives, and in turn—the world. Without weirdos like us, nothing will ever change. We all need to get more weird and think beyond our societal programming…
Our planet’s counting on us! 🌎
Your weirdness can change the world
The FIRE movement is proof that small groups of weirdos can make a difference. I hope you’ll embrace your inner weirdo and share your story with the world.
It’s an uphill battle, but Margaret Mead said it best:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
Shoutouts to my fellow weirdos
The FIRE community’s full of self-identified weirdos—here are some of my favourites:
- Angela at
- Lily at
- Liz at
- Kevin at
- Mr. Tako at
If you’re also a flag-waving FIRE weirdo, point me to an article you’ve written about it—I’d love to add you to the list!
Are you a weirdo?
Have you done anything weird in your pursuit of FI? I’d love to hear about it—comment below!
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Angela @ Tread Lightly Retire Early
March 4, 2019 at 8:29 amHi! You know I fly that eco frugal weirdo flag high! 🙂
March 5, 2019 at 5:23 pmYou do for sure! Thanks for being an inspiration to me in so many weird ways. 😉
March 4, 2019 at 9:50 amChrissy, I think that it is just having the courage to be different and not just following the crowd. Having the same ‘posh frock’ i.e. dress that I wear once a year at the Christmas do, because we just don’t go out to posh places so it never gets worn. The thing that makes me smug is not only that it is 19 years old, but that I can still fit into it! The great thing about the internet is finding out that there’s plenty of other weirdos and in fact you can get more weird ideas from them, it’s just that they live on the other side of the world rather then down the road.
March 5, 2019 at 5:22 pmYou have every right to be smug—19 years of fitting into the same dress is no easy feat! Go you!
I absolutely love the internet for the same reasons. Weirdos like us don’t have to be alone anymore, and we can share knowledge and help better our world together.
Money Mechanic
March 4, 2019 at 10:21 amI am absolutely OCD when it comes to running errands around town. I will optimize the order of stops, the most efficient route, the time of day with the least traffic. And it usually has to have at least 3 required stops to even make it worth driving the car! That’s not weird at all, is it?
March 5, 2019 at 5:20 pmTotally not OCD! I think most of us can relate. I love it—you’ve inspired me to be even more thoughtful with my driving habits.
March 4, 2019 at 4:01 pmHaha I think FIRE people are all a little weird compared to most Americans. It’s nice to have a community online to rant to!
March 5, 2019 at 5:18 pmAbsolutely! I love sharing our weirdness with each other and others. 😁
March 12, 2019 at 11:21 pmHmm frugal eco weirdo, interesting term! I don’t know if I am a weirdo and I don’t think I am but I don’t really follow trends much.
March 14, 2019 at 5:06 pmLOL, I don’t follow trends much either. 🙂
March 19, 2019 at 2:30 pmEven though I am a senior and retired, I love following this blog as I still learn from it. I am from the older generation that practiced frugality but did not have the information source that you all have therefore even though we retired comfortably and have enough, it would have been great to have been able to retire much earlier than 68!!! I love seeing young people have the guidance to reach financial independence while they are still young and healthy!
March 20, 2019 at 7:23 amI’m so glad to hear that this blog is still useful for retirees! I think your generation definitely had it harder, with less access to information and without the benefit of “hive mind” sharing of info.
The fact that you retired comfortably is a huge accomplishment. Thanks for the comment and for sharing your thoughts. It’s helpful to hear from people of all ages and stages!