Blogging transparency
I’ve always been very open about my blogging journey—whether it’s good, bad, or ugly. This post is no exception. Today, I’m getting a bit vulnerable and sharing something I’ve been struggling with.
It’s an issue that’s stumped me for a while, and I’ve decided it’s time to make some changes. But don’t worry—I’m not going anywhere, nor is Eat Sleep Breathe FI! (I just paid for three years of hosting, so I’m in it for the long haul!)
I’ll share all the details below…
The good news
I’ll start by saying things are, overall, going well at Eat Sleep Breathe FI. Based on nearly all metrics, the blog is slowly and steadily growing. Also, the response to my How Much Does it Cost to Live the FIRE Life interview series has been amazing (both from interviewees and readers).
Finally (and most importantly) I still love blogging—even after nearly 2.5 years! It’s hard to deny that things are moving in the right direction; I really can’t complain! But, as mentioned, there’s one big problem I haven’t been able to solve…
My big problem
It’s embarrassing for me to admit this (especially since I’m no longer a new blogger). But I’m sharing it anyway: despite my success in other areas, there’s one nut that I can’t seem to crack… and that’s my pageviews.
No matter what I do (post regularly, engage on social media, improve site speed, work on SEO) my traffic continues to be inconsistent and lower than I’d like. Frankly, it’s a bummer and I’m tired of it!
Why pageviews matter
Some people say: don’t worry about the pageviews. Just keep blogging, and the traffic will come. And, whether that happens or not, just enjoy blogging for blogging’s sake.
They’re right, and for the most part, I live by that last sentence. (If I didn’t, I would’ve given up a long time ago!) BUT I want more than just to have fun. I want a challenge.
Increasing my pageviews is an aspirational goal for me. I want to try and get there—if only to prove to myself that I can.
Additionally, working to grow my pageviews will also benefit you, my readers. That’s because the things that bring more pageviews also lead to a better visitor experience:
- Clearer navigation.
- A faster-loading site.
- More detailed and helpful content.
So, I could merrily blog away, ignoring the pageviews. But that doesn’t necessarily serve my readers best. I’m happy to put in the effort and give you a better reading experience—while also trying to reach my pageview goal.
How will I get there?
I’ve shared my ‘what’ (increase my pageviews). And I’ve also shared my ‘why’ (to better serve my readers and achieve a personal goal). Now, I’m going to share the ‘how’.
After lots of research, learning, and advice from other bloggers, I’ve come up with a list of high-impact tasks to start with:
- In-depth keyword research.
- Write longer, more detailed and helpful articles.
- Additional site speed improvements (beyond what I’ve already completed).
- Install a lighter-weight blog theme.
- Update and improve my old posts.
- Add more internal links throughout my site.
While my brain dump list includes many more items, I’ll focus on these big to-dos first. Once I’ve completed a few of them, I’ll tackle the other tasks as time permits.
How will I find the time?
Finding time has always been my biggest blogging frustration! I’ve been trying to get to this list for months—and I’m failing. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get to these tasks while also trying to:
- Publish a new blog post every week.
- Release a new podcast episode every other week.
- Reply to blog and podcast comments and emails.
- Manage blog and podcast social media.
- Maintain and manage affiliate and sponsor relationships.
- Read, comment on, and share other blogger’s content.
- Manage and care for my household and its inhabitants (and the rest of the ‘stuff’ in my life).
Clearly, my time is very much spoken for—there’s no squeezing blood from this stone! So, what now? How in the world am I going to accomplish my big pageview goal?
Time for tough decisions
This leads me to the main purpose of this post. I’m sharing the tough blogging decisions I’ve made… and how they’ll affect the future of Eat Sleep Breathe FI.
I’ll start by outlining what’s staying the same. Then, I’ll share the changes I’m making. And finally, I’ll share how all of this will benefit you.
What’s staying the same
Fortunately, many things will be staying the same at Eat Sleep Breathe FI:
Aside from the occasional guest post, I’ll still be the lead blogger here. I have no plans to outsource my writing to anyone else.
Interacting with you in my comments section is one of my favourite things about blogging. I’m definitely not changing that! I’ll continue to read and reply to every new comment.
My FIRE life interviews
As mentioned, the response to my How Much Does it Cost to Live the FIRE Life series has been amazing. I’ll continue to publish these interviews bi-weekly until they run out… but that could take a while!
Currently, I’m scheduled out to interview #20 (I still can’t believe this). An additional 17 interviews are in the works, and new interviewees join every week. I love it!
For those who prefer to listen to me, I won’t be changing a thing on my podcast, Explore FI Canada. I love chatting with Money Mechanic and our guests and will continue to appear there bi-weekly on Fridays.
What’s changing
In the coming weeks and months, you’ll start to see the following changes:
FI updates
This was a really hard decision. I’ve loved sharing my monthly(ish) FI updates because I can get personal and share a slice of my life with you. And the feedback from you, my readers, has always been warm and enthusiastic.
If I had all the time in the world, I’d continue posting these updates every month. However, to free up more time to work on improving my site, I have to change how often and/or how I share these updates.
I still haven’t decided how I’ll proceed, but here are a couple of ideas:
- Quarterly or random updates (instead of monthly).
- Shorter, but more regular updates in emails or social media.
I’ll give this more thought and will likely have to do some tinkering to figure out the best solution. Apologies in advance for the inevitable changes and inconsistent delivery!
New content frequency
As mentioned, I’ll continue to publish my FIRE life interview series on a consistent, bi-weekly basis. But there may be weeks (or even months) where I’m unable to publish other new content.
This was another hard decision. For one thing, I hate being inconsistent—in real life, I’m a stickler for consistency and reliability. For another, I’m also genuinely worried that I’ll lose subscribers and readers.
However, this one change will free up the most time for me to work on my pageviews. As uncomfortable and scary as it may be, I’m taking the plunge. Hopefully, it’ll pay off.
*Over the next month or so, I’m going to make a liar of myself! I’ll be posting weekly right into June… so pretend you aren’t reading this until then, LOL.
Email frequency
I know you get more than enough emails, so if I don’t have a new post to share, I won’t email. (Well, maybe I will. But if I do, I’ll have a darned good reason to do so.)
Moving forward, if you don’t receive a weekly email from me, you’ll now know why: I’m working hard on improving the blog!
What you’ll get
This isn’t all about me and my blog—the biggest motivation to improve my site is you, my readers. I want you to have an enjoyable experience when you visit my blog. So, here’s what I hope to eventually give you:
Better content
To better serve you, my readers, I’m going to focus more of my time on helpful, quality content such as:
- Advanced or lesser-known personal finance tactics and ideas.
- Extremely detailed, truly helpful review posts (like my EQ Bank review).
- In-depth articles about FIRE and FIRE-related topics.
- ‘Ultimate’ posts about a specific topic (like my post on RSUs and ESPPs).
A faster, cleaner theme
As mentioned in my to-do list, I’m planning to switch to a faster blog theme. While I love the look of my current theme (and the amazing developers behind it) it’s not the fastest out there.
When I move to the new theme, you’ll notice speedier load times (especially on mobile) and an even cleaner look.
Overall speed improvements
While I’ve worked hard with my Fiverr WordPress developer* to speed up my site, there was only so much we could do. Further improvements are reliant on a lighter, more customizable theme.
So, when I switch over to my new theme, I’ll also be able to implement more site speed improvements. Hopefully, you’ll see a noticeable change when it’s all done.
*See my recent Random Blogging Tips post for more on this.
Closing thoughts
Reaching my pageview goal isn’t going to be easy. Progress will be slow, but I’m in no rush—I’m going to do this properly. If I’m lucky, all the time and effort will be worth it and I’ll finally see steadily growing traffic.
I hope this post has helped you to understand why I’ve had to make some tough decisions for my blog. Let me know in the comments if you have any thoughts to share. Have you also struggled with pageviews? Or, have you found any surefire tactics that have helped? I’d love to hear from you!
Support this blog
If you liked this article and want more content like this, please support this blog by sharing it! Not only does it help spread the FIRE, but it lets me know what content you find most useful. (Which encourages me to write more of it!)
You can also support this blog by visiting my recommendations page and purchasing through the links. Note that not every link is an affiliate link—some are just favourite products and services that I want to share.
As always, however you show your support for this blog—THANK YOU!
Maria @ Handful of Thoughts
May 5, 2021 at 6:54 amChrissy I think your struggles are common. I too struggle with page views and consistent page views. There is only so much time in the day and the more you go down the blogging path the more the to-do list seems to grow.
I admire your honesty and hope that all your hard work pays off in increased page views.
May 5, 2021 at 4:29 pmHi Maria—it’s nice to know I’m not the only one. I know you put a lot of effort into your blog and are always learning how to improve it. I’ve been so lucky to have benefited from your knowledge! I hope, over time, we’ll grow our blogs together.
May 5, 2021 at 7:11 amDon’t put too much focus on page view. Enjoy the blogging process. That’s my best suggestion.
For me it took years to SLOWLY build up my traffic.
May 5, 2021 at 4:34 pmHi Bob—you’re always such a voice of reason! It’s really hard for me to not focus on the pageviews since they’re so easy to measure (and I’m driven to constantly improve)! But yes, you’re right. Focusing on the enjoyment of blogging is the happiest path forward. I always remind myself of that.
Thanks for sharing your own blog growth experience. It’s nice to hear that from a blogger who’s made it!
Thrifty Hustler
May 5, 2021 at 7:26 amHi Chrissy,
I’m excited for the upcoming changes on your blog
Wishing you all the best!
Always take care!
May 5, 2021 at 4:38 pmHi Thrifty Hustler—thanks, as always, for your kind words and support. I’ve learned a lot from you and following your blog. It’s been inspiring for me to see how much your blog has grown in a very short time. I’ll keep working on emulating your success!
May 5, 2021 at 7:45 amThanks for sharing. Others with blogs (like myself) can take comfort that everyone has the same struggles. I’m looking forward to seeing how you grow! Keep up the good work
May 5, 2021 at 4:44 pmHi Amit—thank you for your comment. You’re right that we all have the same struggles. This is why I feel so strongly about sharing my experiences—it helps all of us when we talk openly about our challenges.
PS I love the design of your blog—the yellow theme is lovely! You’ve got some great content up so far. Looking forward to more!
Bob Wen
May 5, 2021 at 8:01 amI hope all goes well with the changes.
Perhaps your “Fiverr WordPress developer” can look at the reader mode issue. Thanks.
May 5, 2021 at 4:47 pmHi Bob—how did I never think of that?!
Of course, I bet my Fiverr developer could figure it out in no time! But now I also wonder if a new theme would fix the issue? Once I’ve made the switch, I’ll have to get you to test it for me!
May 5, 2021 at 8:01 amHey Chrissy. Thanks for being transparent as always. It’s understandable how there’s just not enough time to do everything.
I used to write monthly net worth updates, but in late 2020 I switched to quarterly updates. Haven’t heard any complaints yet, lol. Keep up the great work. 
Bob Wen
May 5, 2021 at 8:43 amI agree with LIQUID, quarterly would be plenty. It should result in more variety between updates, and you can pick and choose the highlights to focus on.
May 5, 2021 at 4:55 pmHi Bob—that’s great feedback. I didn’t consider that less-frequent updates could lead to better content! I think you’re right. Thanks for the great input.
May 7, 2021 at 1:29 amI also agree with LIQUID & Bob. For my own blog, I considered giving monthly progress updates, but actually decided against it for exactly that reason. Seeing the numbers move ever so slightly month over month is not that exciting. I think quarterly updates will be a lot more “juicy” and interesting
Best of luck with all the changes!
May 7, 2021 at 3:17 pmHi LadyFIRE—you’re right, quarterly updates would be more interesting, both for the numbers and content. I’m heavily leaning towards that! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I’m poking around your blog now. Looks like some great content so far!
May 5, 2021 at 4:52 pmHi Liquid—that’s really helpful to hear about your switch from monthly to quarterly updates. You publish so much other great content on your blog, I can’t imagine anyone complaining! I hope I can replicate that as I work on new, improved content. I appreciate your kind words and support.
May 5, 2021 at 9:41 amChrissy,
I am relatively new to blogging, but I want to say that that you already have a great blog. I usually read your blog on my laptop and never had a bad experience. I am sure there is always an opportunity to improve and wish you the best with the upcoming changes.
May 5, 2021 at 4:58 pmHi Shashi—your blog is excellent and your Instagram game is strong! It’s hard to tell that you’re new to blogging. I appreciate your supportive comment and for taking the time to stop by frequently. Thank you!
Mark Seed
May 5, 2021 at 11:21 amLike Bob, I found it took YEARS to build up any sort of traffic. It will happen with time, keep at it
Stay passionate.
At the same time, if you want to redesign the site/adjust it, publish more regularly, change up types of content, etc. then more power to you!
I don’t always comment but I do follow along to your site as much as I can!
All my best,
May 5, 2021 at 5:07 pmHi Mark—it’s SO helpful to hear from experienced, successful bloggers like you and Bob. I appreciate that you take the time to read and share my content. It means a lot!
Yes, staying passionate is so important. Thankfully, I am never lacking in that, ha ha. FIRE keeps me fired up!
I hope you know that I’m the same and can’t comment on all your posts. But I read nearly every post you publish!
(Same goes for just about every blogger I follow. It’s tough to engage as often as I’d ideally like!)
Graham @ Reverse the Crush
May 5, 2021 at 1:17 pmThanks for being continuing to be transparent, Chrissy! Blogging is really a never-ending journey. I think you are doing great. Blogging for personal enjoyment is really the best way to do it. It sounds like you are making the right steps to focus on the most important tasks for you personally and to support long-term growth. I’m a big fan of your blog, so I’m glad to see you’re in it for the long haul.
May 5, 2021 at 5:10 pmHi Graham—you’ve been an amazing blogging friend and mentor to me. I’ve witnessed your amazing blog growth over the last couple of years. It’s been very inspiring to me.
Whenever I read on your blog how much you love blogging, I nod my head the whole time as I read the post. I’m the same!
Thanks for the kind comment.
Mr. Dreamer @
May 5, 2021 at 1:41 pmWait What? You are changing your theme? I love your theme. I think it is one of the best (If not THE best), clearest, and fastest themes and sites I have seen in FI and I have read them all honestly.
Page Views. Meh! I started my blog without expectations but I know I will be sad and mad if I can’t improve that. Sometimes it is not just about quality .. quantity is needed specially for SEO. You already have your regular readers but need new ones. Those will need to find you through search engines. That’s why I wrote that long Cryptocurrency article for the SEO mostly.
And yes, I loved the quality articles you mentioned here specially the EQ review. I planned to write my own review but after finding yours, I was like! I can never make it better than Chrissy’s. Let’s just send people there to read if interested. I like quality a lot but the internet needs a balance of both (I call it repetitive articles just to show up in search engines).
Good Luck and we will be here no matter what you do!
May 5, 2021 at 5:22 pmHi Mr. Dreamer—I always enjoy and appreciate your comments. You are so refreshingly candid and honest.
I, too, love this theme! But I’ve become *slightly* obsessed with improving my site speed. Swapping for a lighter, more optimized theme will help with that. Sadly, sacrifices must be made in the name of speed!
I have no doubt your blog will grow exponentially over time. You’ve published a lot of very high quality content. I don’t know how you do it! It takes me weeks to write the type of articles you do, and you seem to publish multiple times a week. It’s very impressive.
It’s kind of you to say such nice things about my EQ post. I actually love writing detailed articles like that because that’s how my mind works. When I want to know about something, I want ALL the details! I’m glad I can benefit others with my obsessiveness, LOL.
Thanks for your constant support and honest feedback, my friend!
Rich | Sidehustlerich
May 5, 2021 at 6:25 pmHey Chrissy,
I think you’re probably already doing a lot better than me in terms of pageviews, but can you share some hard numbers? What they currently are, and what your targets are for pageviews over the next 12 months?
I find Google Search Console really useful for me to see which articles have been useful in driving traffic and ranking on Google. This also gives me more ideas in terms of topics to write about, or how to strengthen already performing articles so they continue to bring in the traffic.
For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing great!
May 5, 2021 at 7:27 pmHi Richard—I shared my 2020 traffic stats here. I was doing quite well, but it was a bunch of one-off posts that took off. One hit wonders, if you will!
Unfortunately, my traffic has gone way down in 2021. I’m in the 4,500–6,500 monthly pageviews range at the moment. I’m grateful for what I do get, but it’s a far cry from my 2020 numbers. I’m trying to use the drop in traffic as motivation to keep working at it.
I read one of your posts about Google Search Console a while back, and I know you’re very knowledgeable about it. I’ll have to reread that post again soon! GSC really is a fantastic source of useful info. Thanks for the reminder.
I’m grateful for your support. A big part of what keeps me blogging is the relationships I’ve built with bloggers like you. Thank you for cheering me on!
May 5, 2021 at 9:21 pmI can totally see why you’re reducing your FI updates. The updates you write are so amazing, long, and full of great content. I’ve gotten into a rhythm with my updates lately. So much so that I can go from zero to published in a single evening.
I think we all struggle to hit our page view goals. My strategy has changed up recently. I’m not trying to post 3 times a month instead of 2: a long-form article, a shorter “quick hit”, and my net worth update. Churning out multiple long-form, quality articles per month is really difficult.
May 6, 2021 at 3:17 pmHi AL—I’m always impressed by bloggers like you who are able to turn a post around so quickly! I wish I had that skill, but unfortunately, I don’t. I’ll keep working at it!
I love your new posting strategy. It sounds very doable, and gives your readers a nice mix of content. You’re right—it’s really difficult to produce longer, quality content more than once a month. (For me, even once a month is a huge stretch!)
Thank you for the kind, helpful comment. I’m always grateful for your support and engagement.
May 6, 2021 at 2:24 amChrissy, this resonated with me so much after falling off the blogging bandwagon for a few weeks. What people don’t realise is that blogging is really a full time job. You not only have to write great articles, but if you want to increase page views you have to either write for SEO, create pins, have a Facebook page/group, create a freebie. After spending my work day writing reports (which is a lot of what I do) I have found it increasingly difficult to sit down and write a blog post of an evening. I think there comes a point where you have to decide how much time you want to put into it. My personal preference recently has been listening to podcasts (like EFIC obviously) and hanging out on Twitter, where I can engage in ten or fifteen minute slots throughout the day. So at the moment I’m focusing on increasing my Twitter followers and just enjoying chatting with like-minded individuals on there. Whatever you do I want to wish you good luck and look forward to the next version of EatSleepBreatheFI.
May 6, 2021 at 3:29 pmHi Sam—yes, blogging is a ton of work! It’s hard to comprehend how much work it is until you’re in the thick of it. For me, it can be all-consuming at times! I can absolutely see why you’d be DONE with writing after a long day of work. I don’t know how so many bloggers manage to blog while also working full-time. Kudos to those who do!
Selfishly, I want you to continue blogging because I’ve always loved your posts! But I absolutely understand why you’ve taken a break. I like that you’ve discovered that podcasts (thanks for listening!) and Twitter conversations fit you well at this stage. That sounds like a lot more fun than trying to get through the blog slog!
I think it’s wise for all of us to check in with ourselves once in a while. It could very well be that blogging has served its purpose and that there are other ways to get the same social interactions and benefits. Now that I know you may be on your blog less often, I will try to seek you out more on Twitter.
Thanks, as always, for your support of both my projects!
May 6, 2021 at 4:19 amI’ve struggled hard with pageviews. This time last year, I was limping along with about 1K per month and had no freaking clue why I couldn’t improve. I tried everything. Then, another blogger friend invited me to join his mastermind group. I was hesitant, because who wouldn’t be? But I joined, and I was stubborn, but I eventually started doing the things they recommended, and now I’m at 10K per month and solidly increased my DA. It’s worth looking into if you haven’t yet. You can DM me on Twitter if you want to talk about it, or read my blog growth strategies posts.
May 6, 2021 at 3:35 pmHi Melanie—you have no idea how meaningful it was for me to read this comment! Your previous struggles are exactly mine right now. I am in the middle of binge-reading all your blog growth strategies posts and loving them. I think I’m at your week 33 update, as you’re starting to take off. Wow, it’s so inspiring!
You are the fourth blogger to mention this blogging group to me and I am just about ready to jump in! I just need to get a few last things done and clear my plate so I can dive in and do the hard work. THANK YOU for taking the time to comment and for sharing so transparently on your blog.
May 7, 2021 at 11:50 amIt sounds like you have a great plan in place to work up your numbers. It always amazes me how much work goes into growing a blog beyond writing a good post! I love your theme but I understand the need to compromise when it’s for a better good.
Thank you for generously sharing your lessons and struggles. I’m always taking notes– glad to hear you’ll be around for a while
May 7, 2021 at 3:26 pmHi Ana—only fellow bloggers know just how much work running a blog is! All that invisible backend work is like the big chunk of the iceberg that sits hidden under the water. The published post is the little bit that’s visible at the top, ha ha.
Thank you for all your support on my blogging journey. I’m so grateful to be surrounded by you and all the other amazing bloggers in this community. It helps to keep me going!
Chris @ Mindful Explorer
May 8, 2021 at 7:59 amGood Luck on all your efforts, I’ll be watching and following
May 8, 2021 at 8:01 pmHi Chris—thank you, my friend. As I move ahead, I’ll remember the wise advice you shared previously: to enjoy the process and let it unfold as it will.
David @ Filled With Money
May 8, 2021 at 1:04 pmGood luck on your goals, Chrissy!! Can’t wait to see how you progress moving forward! We’re all rooting for you.
May 8, 2021 at 8:09 pmHi David—you’re so kind. Thank you so much for your support.
May 8, 2021 at 10:46 pmKeep up the good work Chrissy, you will reach your goal, for sure! Blogging is an abyss of time, there’s always something that can be done. Certainly I can see why people who are “FIREd” continue with a blog. It’s a creative outlet and a fun project.
May 8, 2021 at 11:46 pmHi GYM—as a fellow Vancouver-based blogger, you’ve been a huge inspiration to me. I doubt I’ll ever reach your level of success, but I’d be happy just to get partway there! Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement.
PP Gal
May 11, 2021 at 9:42 amI stopped chasing pageviews years ago because it can be tiring. As someone who do everything in multiple blogs I always have to go back to my “why.” And that is I like to share and listen to stories. Writing is the most accessible therapy for me as an immigrant who wants to retire back home earlier than the norm.
But I still do care about pageviews on my niche sites that doesn’t require constant writing except for plug-ins and theme updates. Boring niche is where the money is.
With more time off work, I’ll catch up on writing and binge listening to podcast including Explore FI Canada. Glad to find this site on Freedom35blog.
May 11, 2021 at 10:08 pmHi PP Gal—thanks for your honest comment. I don’t know how you keep up with multiple blogs. Just one is already close to a full-time job for me! You’re right that knowing your “why” is so important. That’s also what keeps me going. I never thought of blogging as being therapeutic, but I suppose it is for me as well!
Interesting that you say boring niches are where the money is. I think you’re probably right. I bet things like vacuum cleaner or mattress review sites get tons of traffic and affiliate commissions, ha ha. I applaud people like you, who are able to make money from niche sites. It may be easier, but it’s still not easy!
Thank you so much for listening, reading, and commenting. I love that you found me through Liquid’s site! It’s one of my fave blogs.
May 30, 2021 at 9:32 amStopped by after being on my blog and in my own head for a while. Always love your blog and the beauty of its presentation and it’s content! Kudos for you for being brave and taking it in a new direction!
May 31, 2021 at 10:57 pmHi Dr. Plastic Picker—so nice of you to stop by! I read every single post you publish, but have been bad about commenting. I will try to comment more often!
Thank you for the kind words and support. I look forward to a slightly lighter publishing schedule. It’ll be nice to have just a little bit of breathing room between posts!
Max @ Max Out of Pocket
June 26, 2021 at 6:01 amYou seem to be doing a great job with everything! Look at this comment section alone!
Keep up the good work!
June 26, 2021 at 7:13 pmHi Max—thanks for reading and for your kind words. They mean a lot!
November 19, 2021 at 7:02 pmBecause your blog title and focus is on FI….you may have to think about what this looks like in a decade. Really would it still have the same type of grab ?
Do not get technical on blog metrics. The most important thing include:
*uniqueness of topics
*writing style –engaging and curious about learning from others also.
*some personal stuff
*your readers want you to be happy about your personal life and wouldn ‘t want blog stress added
*how are you teaching financial awareness to your kids?
Of course, I don’t write about financial matters at all and my blog post frequency has temporary fallen due to some major personal events. It’ll come back.
November 21, 2021 at 1:24 pmHi Jean—these are all great points. I always appreciate advice from more experienced bloggers, so thank you for taking the time to share.
Funnily enough, I just finished writing a post about your last suggestion (financial literacy for kids)! I’ll publish it here soon.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment.