FI School Lesson 7: Investing
Note: The previous lesson covered index investing. This lesson is about investing in general.
It’s no coincidence that the most successful people in the FI community have a strong understanding of investing. By taking the time to expand your investing knowledge, you’ll maximize your returns, reduce risk, and give yourself peace of mind.

- The Stock Series (This is the best intro to investing you’ll find on the internet! It’s required reading for anyone pursuing FI.)

- Why Rebalance Your Portfolio? (there are three rebalancing articles that follow this one—read them all)
- Ask the Spud: Investing With Multiple Accounts
- Three Reasons to Ignore Market Downturns
- Calculating Your Portfolio’s Rate of Return

Paul has a huge archive of episodes, covering many topics related to investing. Below is a small selection of episodes I found useful:
- All About Asset Allocation by Rick Ferri
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
- Are You A Stock Or A Bond? by Moshe Milevsky
- The Behavior Gap by Carl Richards
- Lifecycle Investing by Ian Ayres and Barry Nalebuff
- Think, Act and Invest Like Warren Buffet by Larry Swedroe
- Your Money and Your Brain by Jason Zweig
Disclosure: The book recommendations above include Amazon links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases—at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products which I truly believe in. (But I’d suggest doing the frugal thing and borrowing the books from your library!)
I love paying more taxes… says no one. Learn this FI ninja skill to (legally) keep more of your hard-earned cash.
Looking for a simple, low-maintenance investment strategy togrow your FI nest egg? You’ve found it in index investing! Learn all about it in this lesson.
Go back to the FI School homepage to jump to another lesson.
Ask away in the comments—I’m happy to help!
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