
I Started a Podcast!

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It’s called Explore FI Canada, and our official launch date is on (fittingly) Canada Day—July 1st, 2019! Look for us on all the major podcasting directories and help us grow by sharing, subscribing and leaving a review!

The story behind Explore FI Canada

I’m a huge fan of podcasts. I listen to 6–8 hours of podcasts daily and have over 50 shows in regular rotation on my phone. I’ve always loved how podcasts foster a deep connection between the host and listeners—and I wanted to experience that myself! 

I knew I’d eventually start a podcast… but it would have to wait. I figured it would take about a year to hit my stride with this blog before I was ready to take on podcasting.

And then… everything changed

In April, my blogging buddy Money Mechanic gave me a call. He told me he was thinking of starting another podcast and asked if I’d be interested in teaming up. And (even better) he’d also asked another blogging friend, Ryan from Canadian FIRE, to join us!

Um, hello? Of course I was interested and totally keen on this awesome opportunity! Ryan and I were immediately on board and couldn’t wait to get started. 

Leveraging the talent stack

Teaming up allowed us to leverage each of our strengths and split the podcasting duties. MM would handle the editing (the toughest job), Ryan would write the outlines and show notes (he’s great at research) and I’d handle the graphics (naturally, being a graphic designer). 

Being able to share the load is what made it possible for me to jump into podcasting far sooner than I’d expected. It was also way less scary to have MM leading the way since he already had the technical know-how.

Aiming for diversity

Besides splitting the workload, having three hosts also helps to diversify the voices on our show. The three of us are from different cities, have different spending levels, and different lifestyles. 

Our goal for the show is to showcase the differences and similarities in the Canadian FI experience. We hope to represent that through sharing our own stories and through interviews of guests from all across our great country. 

Getting up and running

Over the last couple of months, we’ve been working hard on developing the show and recording episodes. The site launched a couple of weeks ago, and our teaser trailer went live in the podcasting directories last week.

It was a lot of work, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Ready… set… launch

We’re just about ready for the official launch of our show (with two full-length episodes!) Again, the launch will be on Canada Day—July 1.

Set a reminder to download and listen to our first two episodes in just a few days. We’ll be on all the major directories, including iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn. 

Show us some love

Help us get off to a strong start! Leave us a review, subscribe to the show, and share us with your friends, family, and social networks.

You can also help us grow and improve by sending your feedback. Feel free to leave comments or send us a message via the contact page at (You can also find our episodes and show notes there, as well as more info about us and the show.)

Thanks for all the support that many of you have already shown us. We’re excited to explore FI with you!

Support this blog

If you liked this article and want more content like this, please support this blog by sharing it! Not only does it help spread the FIRE, but it lets me know what content you find most useful. (Which encourages me to write more of it!) 

You can also support this blog by visiting my recommendations page and purchasing through the links. Note that not every link is an affiliate link—some are just favourite products and services that I want to share. 🙂

As always, however you show your support for this blog—THANK YOU!

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  • Reply
    June 28, 2019 at 8:46 am

    Yay! Super excited to check out the podcast! I’m always in need of awesome new podcasts, and I’m really looking forward to content with a Canadian perspective!

    • Reply
      June 28, 2019 at 8:45 pm

      Thanks Phia! We think you’ll really enjoy the episodes we’ve got coming out. 🙂

  • Reply
    Jennifer Moore
    January 18, 2022 at 10:35 am

    Hello – I am currently obsessed with your podcast and I am reading through FI school. I am 45 and my husband is 50 – and I am regretful that I did not find this information earlier!! Anyhow – I am not sure if you are interested but I was wondering if you would (possibly with Ed Rempel??) do an episode on FI when you have a son/daughter with a disability. There are some differences in how one plans – for instance if the son/daughter is an adult and receives disability benefits (called AISH in Alberta) their benefits can be discontinued if they receive an inheritance – so parents may not want to leave a big stash of money to them. Since housing is not included in the calculation, it may be more beneficial to buy a residence for your child while you are still living. I am still learning about all of this – it is complicated and there is not a lot of information out there. A man named Gordon VanderLeek, who is a lawyer, wrote a book called ‘Estate planning for Children with Special Needs’ – which is the most helpful information I have found. Anyhow, I thought I would make that request if you were interested. Thanks for such a great podcast!!

    • Reply
      January 18, 2022 at 5:08 pm

      Hi Jennifer—what a great comment! Thank you for the kind words and for all the eye-opening info you shared.

      Planning for children with a disability is such an important topic and one I would love to cover. (I’m always happy to get Ed’s opinion on things too! He always has a unique/clever take on things.)

      I can imagine that there isn’t much info about this. I’ll add this topic to our list. Thank you for the suggestion and for being a listener. We’re grateful for your engagement and support!

      PS In the meantime, have you listened to this old episode of ChooseFI? Setting up a Special Needs Trust I know the info is for Americans, but they also discuss general planning which may still be helpful to you. (However, you seem to know quite a bit already, so it may be that this episode will be too basic or US-centred to be useful to you.)

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