About FI Lifestyle

My ‘Sitting Poolside’ Interview

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Photo by Mike Benna on Unsplash

I’m on a roll…

It seems I’m on a roll with content swaps! Soon after I agreed to swap posts with Barry Choi, Mr. SR at Semi-Retire Plan also reached out for a content exchange. He was very flexible, and suggested a post exchange, interview, or link swap.

I always enjoy doing interviews, so I took a peek at Mr. SR’s Sitting Poolside interview series. I was pleasantly surprised, and found I really liked his interviewing style. Mr. SR’s questions were unique and tailored to each guest, and not just typical cookie-cutter questions. 

After reading a few interviews, my decision was made—I was excited to take part in the interview series and join Mr. SR’s fantastic list of past guests. We emailed back and forth a few times to complete my interview, and it just went live today!

About my interview

As mentioned, Mr. SR asks great questions. In Sitting Poolside Interview with Chrissy from Eat Sleep Breathe FI, I share some parts of my story which I’ve never shared before, including:

  • How my immigrant family’s perspective on money and wealth differed from Canadian norms.
  • The unique challenges my husband and I have encountered as a one-income household.
  • How my understanding of wealth and our pursuit of FI affects my parenting.
  • Some lightbulb moments my kids have had about money.

I hope you enjoy my interview. While you’re there, be sure to check out Mr. SR’s other Sitting Poolside interviews—it’s a great series!

About Mr. SR

Mr. SR writes about personal finance, decision-making, and early semi-retirement at Semi-Retire Plan. He has been featured on MSN, Yahoo Finance, and Databox and holds a master of science degree in business marketing. Mr. SR is a fan of college football, Taylor guitars, and extra-large coffee mugs. 

Coming soon: Mr. SR’s guest post

Watch for the other half of our content swap early next week—Mr. SR will be making a guest appearance here at Eat Sleep Breathe FI! In his guest post, he’ll compare semi-retirement and FIRE. Ooh… which one wins? Check back next week to find out!

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  • Reply
    Mr. SR @ Semi-Retire Plan
    July 18, 2020 at 3:20 am

    Thanks for the shoutout, Chrissy! I enjoyed talking with you and hearing your perspective. I appreciate you sharing your time and insights. I hope your readers enjoy the series if they get the chance to check it out.

    • Reply
      July 20, 2020 at 8:38 pm

      Hi Mr. SR—it was fun doing the content swap with you. I’m so glad you suggested it! Looking forward to releasing your guest post tomorrow. 🙂

  • Reply
    July 19, 2020 at 9:12 am

    Loved your interview, and I am glad I discovered your blog and the Poolside series. It’s always great to find likeminded families.

    -Tara of Four Take Flight (www.fourtakeflight.com)

    • Reply
      July 20, 2020 at 8:48 pm

      Hello, Tara—it’s always lovely to meet a new reader! I took a quick peek at your blog, and LOVE that you’re planning a move to Spain. I dream of a long-term trip abroad with my family, but my kids are getting too old for it now. I’ll just have to live vicariously through your blog! Thanks for coming by to read and comment. I look forward to following your story!

      • Tara
        July 24, 2020 at 1:31 pm

        Thank you! And thanks for stopping by my blog too. Never too old to go on adventures! Although I get what you are saying … mine are currently 9 and 7 so we feel the time is right or easier right now before they reach HS age. We shall see how things go with COVID-19 and where we end up?!?!? Hopefully Spain, but we do need to come up with some backup ideas. I look forward to following your journey too!

        -Tara of Four Take Flight (www.fourtakeflight.com)

      • Chrissy
        July 24, 2020 at 3:54 pm

        Hi Tara—it’s SO much easier to travel when the kids are still in elementary school. Once they get to high school, there’s so much pressure on them when they miss school. Wherever in the world you end up, I look forward to reading about it!

  • Reply
    July 25, 2020 at 5:19 pm

    Hello! I hear that … not to mention they will be more opinionated! I mean … they are opinionated now, but I can imagine it changing then (I taught teenagers too!). Thank you!


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