Q1 ended over a month ago… which means my first blog/podcast update for 2020 is overdue! There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started.
Blog update
The first quarter of 2020 was productive and record-breaking for ESBFI. Here’s what happened from January to March:

Some of my favourite treats from my favourite bakery
Celebrating my blogiversary
My one-year blogiversary was on January 1st. (Yay!) To mark the occasion, my sister surprised me with some of my favourite treats from Anna’s Cake House.
(Anna’s is especially meaningful because it was our mom’s favourite bakery. For good reason—IMHO, they make the best cakes in all of Vancouver!)
I’m so lucky to have such an amazing family. Right from the start, they’ve been there to support and encourage me on my blogging journey.
Thank you, family. I couldn’t have made it this far without you!
A magazine interview and photo shoot
In January, I was asked to take part in an article about FIRE in Canada… but there was one caveat: I couldn’t be anonymous. Ack! I not only had to share my name, age, family info and location, but I also had to agree to be photographed!!! Double ack!
Long story short: I agreed. So… very soon, you’ll see a real photo of me in a national magazine. Gulp! I’ll tell you more when the article is released.
All-time traffic highs
I reached 4,255 pageviews in January, which was a new record for me! (My previous record was 4,028 in October 2019.) My top posts for January were:
Most of my acquisitions came from direct traffic, organic search, and social media (which was mostly Twitter, then Facebook).
I also received a decent number of click-throughs from the Smart.bio link on my Instagram profile. This was a nice surprise since I don’t spend a ton of time or energy on Instagram.
Google Adsense earnings way down
I don’t get it—despite seeing record traffic, my monthly AdSense earnings have been abysmal since my peak of $31 in October. They literally dropped off a cliff in November and have stayed low since. I’m lucky if I earn $4 per month these days!
It’s been very frustrating, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Throughout January, I spent time learning how to improve my AdSense earnings. Here’s what I learned:
I’ve set everything up properly, I don’t have invalid traffic, and I’m not in violation of any of the terms and conditions. I went through all the checklists, but still have no clue why I’ve seen such a huge drop in earnings. 😫
No to Auto ads
I could possibly do better with AdSense by turning on Auto ads, but I refuse to do that. When I tested them early on, I wasn’t happy with them for these reasons:
- I didn’t like the ad placements. They appeared in awkward spots, which affected readability and aesthetics.
- The ad sizes were too big, which also affected readability and aesthetics.
- The ‘sticky’ ads that pop down from the top or bottom were really annoying. I hate then on other blogs, and I didn’t want them on mine.
Due to all these downsides, I decided to place my ads manually. This gives me complete control over how they look and how many appear in each post. It means lower earnings, but if it’s a better reading experience, I’ll take the trade-off.
I’m loving my ‘post-when-I-can’ schedule
February was a busy month for me personally, which meant there wasn’t much time for blogging. (Read my February update to find out what I was up to.)
Crazy months like these are what prompted me to institute a ‘post-when-I-can’ schedule. It means I no longer pressure myself to stick to a rigid schedule (which I did for most of 2019).
It’s been incredibly freeing, and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to a strict schedule. I know that’s neither professional nor recommended. But it’s working, so I’m sticking with it for now!
Another traffic milestone
Unexpectedly, my traffic continued to grow and break records in February, with the blog hitting 5,294 pageviews!
My homepage received most of the views, with my January update placing second. In third place was my Flash Food review (which is becoming a consistent source of traffic).
The majority of my acquisitions again came from direct traffic, organic searches, and referrals (mostly from Twitter).
Learned more about SEO
I’ve always wanted to learn more about SEO, but never did because it seemed so technical and boring. Well, my tune changed after seeing good organic search numbers in January and February.
I realized how powerful Google traffic could be… and decided it was time to get educated. I spent most of the month taking in free content from Stupid Simple SEO, The HOTH, and Neil Patel.
I was surprised to find that the basics are a lot easier than I’d previously thought. I was also surprised to find that SEO is actually pretty interesting—once you dig in a little.
Putting my knowledge to work
So, what am I going to do with all this newfound knowledge? For now, I’ll use it to keep my high-performing posts ranking. Eventually, I’ll create new content to target specific keywords.
However, this doesn’t mean I plan to churn out impersonal, SEO-optimized content. No way! All it means is my content planning will be more thoughtful. It will allow me to not only serve my readers, but also give my articles a better chance of ranking in Google.
Coronavirus takeover
In March, my blog (and life) were unexpectedly swept into the madness of the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s a recap of my corona-related articles:
- In Should We Cancel Our Trip to Japan Because of Coronavirus? I wrote about the ripple effects of the coronavirus and how we debated over our decision to cancel our trip to Japan.
- Sadly, we ended up cancelling our trip, which prompted me to write this follow-up post: How We Maximized Our Refunds After Cancelling Our Trip to Japan. In it, I walk through how we received 100% of our money back.
- In The Coronavirus is a Bigger Deal Than I Thought I address my incorrect thoughts on the coronavirus after realizing it was far more serious than I’d originally believed.
- Next, I shared an update of sorts with How We’re Physical Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Finally, I wrote
Gas Up Your Car Without Leaving Your House: My Filld Review* in which I share the benefits of using this fantastic mobile fuel delivery service.
That’s five new posts in less than four weeks! For me, that’s typically a near-impossible accomplishment. Could it be? Am I finally getting faster at writing? I sure hope so!
More record traffic
January and February both saw record traffic, but March smashed all my previous records! (Including the February 2019 anomaly of 7,500 pageviews from my 13 Ways to Reach FI Sooner article, which was featured in Rockstar Finance.)
In March, I received a total of 10,017 pageviews!!! This was just enough to allow me to apply for a new ad network. (See I applied for Monumetric below for more on this).
I’m so grateful to all of you, my amazing readers, for helping me reach this goal. THANK YOU!
Where my traffic came from
My coronavirus articles attracted an incredible amount of traffic, and as always, my Flash Food review brought in a fair number of pageviews. (Though I wonder if Flash Food is doing okay these days, with people shopping less in-store?)
As for acquisitions, there was quite a shift this month. Unlike January and February, social media topped direct traffic and organic search in March—by far!
Social media breakdown
The majority of my social media traffic in March came from Twitter. I consciously put a lot of effort into it, and it paid off to the tune of 700+ pageviews. However, it was a ton of work since I tweeted every post manually. (I really need to start using Hootsuite!)
Facebook also sent a lot of traffic my way, but it’s hard to tell exactly where it came from. The most likely sources are the ESBFI page, and the ChooseFI Canada sharing thread. But it could also be random shares on Facebook.
(If I was a better blogger, I would share links with UTM codes so I could track my acquisitions better. I just never have the time to do it!)
This may not last
March was an amazing month for traffic! Unfortunately, I don’t think this increased traffic will continue. Many blogs have seen significant drops in traffic recently.
I’ve already seen a large decline at ESBFI for April, so my prediction is so far coming true. Ah well—I’ll just have to keep plugging away. High traffic months will return one day.
Continued low earning with Google
Okay, it’s getting completely ridiculous now! Please help me make sense of this:
- March 2019: 3,000 pageviews; $23 in ad revenue.
- March 2020: 10,000 pageviews; $6 in ad revenue.
I don’t get it—how did more than triple the traffic lead to a fraction of the ad revenue?! If anyone has insights to share, please help me out! I’m beyond confused.
I applied for Monumetric
With such disappointing results from AdSense, I was overjoyed to have finally met the minimum pageview requirement for Monumetric* (10,000 over 30 days).
*Monumetric is a premium ad network, like Mediavine or Ad Thrive. For more on Monumetric, check out this detailed review from Tom Blake at This Online World.
As soon as my March numbers were in, I applied for Monumetric’s Propel program. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to join! Unfortunately, my excitement was short-lived—their automated reply said it would be 2–3 months before I’d hear back!
I tried to contact them recently for an update, but haven’t received a reply. I’ll just have to be patient and hope for the best.
Affiliate commissions
Q1 2020 was a good one for ESBFI—I earned nearly as much in one quarter as I did in my entire first year of blogging!
My commissions came from Scotia Momentum Visa Infinite applications and sales of the Family In Case of Emergency Binder. Thank you to everyone who supported my blog by using my links!
Watch for my annual blogiversary post in January for the full reveal with all the numbers.
Podcast update
Phew! That was a lot to run through for my blog—now it’s time for a podcast update. Q1 was also action-packed at Explore FI Canada. Here’s what happened:
After a 9-week stretch of weekly releases, we decided at the end of January to revert to bi-weekly releases. This was largely due to a change in my co-host Ryan’s work schedule, which would give him a lot more time with his daughter… but a lot less time for EFIC.
Though I miss recording with Ryan as much as I once did, I’m thrilled that he gets to be at home with his daughter four days a week. Also, truth be told, a bi-weekly release schedule is far more sustainable for us!
The future of EFIC
As a listener, you won’t notice much of a change. Ryan’s still going to be around, making random appearances as his schedule allows. You may just hear a little more of Money Mechanic and I as we continue hosting interviews and roundtable discussions!
May 3, 2020 UPDATE: As it turns out, you will be noticing a big change—Ryan has decided to leave the show. (More on this at the bottom of the post.)
February was a messy, crazy month at EFIC. Ryan took six weeks off from the show in January/February and I was trying to work ahead so I could leave for our trip to Japan.
Thank goodness our co-host Money Mechanic came through during this busy time. He took my requests for edits and shortened timelines in stride, and delivered every time. Thank you, MM!
Ryan got back to work on EFIC at the end of February… which meant it was his turn to be battered with my crushing demands to get sh*t done. (Which we definitely did!) Big thanks to you too, Ryan.
In March, the EFIC team was hard at work producing new episodes, including an informative and timely episode about homeschooling.
We also released a short message to let our listeners know how we plan to address COVID-19 on the show: we’ll mention it, but won’t focus too much on it.
I think we’ve found a good balance, and we hope you’ll agree as we release our content in the coming weeks.
Farewell, Ryan
I’m sad to share that my co-host Ryan recently decided to part ways with Explore FI Canada. It was a difficult decision for him, but I understand his reasons.
Ryan—I’ll miss all the fun and laughs we had. I wish you all the best with your blog, and hope you enjoy every extra minute you get with your daughter. Don’t be a stranger!
What does this mean for the podcast?
We’re sad to move on without Ryan, but the show must go on! Money Mechanic and I are still committed and will be here to bring you new FI content every other week.
We look forward to continuing to connect with our listeners and guests, and will keep working to improve and grow the podcast. 🙂
And that’s a wrap!
Wow, that was a busy quarter! I had no idea in January (or even February) that an invisible, highly-infectious virus would take over the world, the internet, and most of my blog content. What a crazy turn of events we had—all in a single quarter.
What about you?
How was Q1 for you? Did you notice an increase or decline in traffic? Also: how do you feel about pandemic coverage in your own content? Are you shying away from it, or are you finding it hard to avoid?
Finally, if you have any insight on why my AdSense earnings fell into the abyss, please fill me in! I’m so confused.
Support this blog
If you liked this article and want more content like this, please support this blog by sharing it! Not only does it help spread the FIRE, but it lets me know what content you find most useful. (Which encourages me to write more of it!)
You can also support this blog by visiting my recommendations page and purchasing through the links. Note that not every link is an affiliate link—some are just favourite products and services that I want to share. 🙂
As always, however you show your support for this blog—THANK YOU!
Court @ Modern FImily
May 5, 2020 at 5:49 amWhat an update! So sad Ryan will be gone, he brought such great energy to the listeners of the podcast. We will miss you Ryan! And yayyyyooooo for the upcoming magazine feature!!! So exciting and major congrats!!! I finally get to see what you look like hahah
May 7, 2020 at 4:46 pmCourt—Ryan will be missed for sure. I hope we’ll be able to convince him to come back on as a guest one day. 🙂
I’m still so nervous to reveal my picture, but it’ll be nice for my readers to finally know what I look like! Thanks for the comment!
May 5, 2020 at 7:54 amCongrats on the magazine feature! That is so exciting! Looking forward to checking it out. Thanks for sharing the blog update, I am always curious about the behind the scenes stuff that goes on.
Bummer about Ryan leaving, but good for him for making that decision sooner than later. If it isn’t working in your life, you gotta let it go and move on.
I have no idea about the adsense revenue, but it sure is interesting. Hope Monumetric comes through soon!
May 7, 2020 at 4:49 pmHi Shaidah—I’m always worried I’ll bore my non-blogger readers with these updates so it’s nice to hear you don’t mind them! Thanks for the support.
I agree about Ryan’s decision. It’s bittersweet—I’m sad for myself and the show, but happy for him. He made the right choice.
M @ Radical FIRE
May 5, 2020 at 8:36 amWow many things happening in the first 3 months of 2020! I’m excited to read the magazine feature once it’s out, I’m sure it is amazing!
Lots of things happened on the blog and podcasting front – good to hear that your blog is growing. Enjoyed reading your COVID-19 articles! AdSense earning is weird, I don’t understand it either. My goal is also to go towards 10,000 pageviews in the long term (very long term lol), I’m curious how Monumentric is performing!
May 7, 2020 at 4:54 pmHi M—thanks for checking out my update. I didn’t realize how busy it was until I read all the comments and really thought about it. I guess you’re all right—a lot happened in Q1!
We will work towards 10,000 pageviews together. (My traffic has gone down again—my March numbers were an anomaly.) Ah well, just more motivation to keep creating helpful content.
Maria @ Handful of Thoughts
May 5, 2020 at 9:05 amWow what a recap. I’m finding it astounding to look back at things prior to March. It seems so long ago and like a completely different time.
Congrats on the many milestones during the last quarter. Like everyone else I look forward to your magazine feature.
May 7, 2020 at 4:56 pmHi Maria—it’s kind of crazy to look back and realize how different our lives were pre-pandemic. I think we and the world will be quite changed once this is all done.
Thanks for the comment and your support, my Canadian blogging friend.
Reverse The Crush
May 5, 2020 at 12:03 pmHey Chrissy,
Thanks for the recap and for being so candid with your numbers. You are doing fantastic. Congrats on the record breaking quarter! And that’s cool about the magazine feature. I am looking forward to the article. I am still scared to even do a podcast or photo reveal. I guess it’s that I prefer to focus on the writing and content creation. But I have been thinking of what I could if I used my personal social media to promote the blog… Probably not for a long time though. Regarding the Adsense earnings, that happened to me as well with the high traffic months and lower income. It is due to the low RPM. I was really hesitant to use an auto ad plugin for years too. But I tried one recently to see if it would affect traffic, site speed, and income. It definitely helped with income, even though my site didn’t look as good. But it hasn’t seemed to hurt blog traffic or subscribers. E-mail subscribers have been growing steadily and my adsense income doubled or tripled with the auto ads plugin. But I get it. I used to place just 2 adsense ads per post for aesthetics, but I guess working part-time has forced me to look at blogging as more of a business.
That’s awesome you broke 10k. I hope you hear from Monumetric soon. I was actually just accepted and now have Monumetric ads running on my site. I haven’t had enough time to compare to adsense yet, but my experience with Monumetric has been amazing so far.
Hootesuite and TailWind have made a difference for me as well. I started scheduling a lot of my posts, even though I didn’t want to. It does seem like it is helping free up time and increase traffic.
Awesome to hear about your affiliate commissions. I am still struggling with affiliate marketing, but I am now focussed on more on marketing and content creation to generate page views for Monumetric.
Thanks for sharing, Chrissy!
May 7, 2020 at 5:21 pmHi Graham—thank you for always being such a great blogging friend to me. I’ve learned so much from you, and continue to strive for the milestones you’ve achieved.
I’ll keep trying to get you on our podcast, but I know you’re hesitant! Let me know if you’re ever ready—I’d love to have you on.
Thanks for the feedback on the Auto ads. They seem to have updated things recently, and it’s been over a year since I last tried them. If Monumetric doesn’t work out, I’ll consider experimenting with Auto ads. Hearing your experience is really helpful.
Thanks also for sharing your experience with Hootsuite and TailWind. I clearly need to put more time into this back end stuff! Upfront pain for long-term gain, right?
I am SO happy to hear that you were accepted into Monumetric—CONGRATULATIONS! It’s a well-deserved accomplishment, and I look forward to hearing an update about it in the future.
May 5, 2020 at 2:40 pmWow, what an action packed quarter! Congrats on the magazine feature – looking forward to reading! And congrats on the pageviews – good SEO whether you applied your knowledge or not 🙂 I started using Tweetdeck to schedule tweets as it was taking a lot of time for me to do manually. Lots more to learn though.
May 7, 2020 at 5:26 pmHi Latestarter—I’ve also used Tweetdeck and quite like it. I should compare it to Hootsuite to see which works better for me. Thanks for sharing your experience! I always like hearing how other bloggers run their blogs.
Thanks for all the kind words. 🙂
May 5, 2020 at 3:40 pmWow congrats on amazing quarter and some awesome milestones!! 🙂 10K is a huge accomplishment, and even if there’s a dip you’ll always climb back up and then surpass it! I think it’s constantly a case of 2 steps forward, 1 back…or sometimes plumetting a lot haha, and then recovering miraculously with a Google update.
Sorry to hear about the Adsense earnings. RPMs are down everywhere regardless of network it seems 🙁 feeling the sting too but hopefilly Q3 or Q4 have renewed advertising budgets and vigor!
May 7, 2020 at 5:35 pmHi Tom—thank you for the kind encouragement and support, as always. It means a lot, as I consider you to be a huge success and so knowledgeable! Reading your comment about it being two steps forward, then sometimes plummeting a lot made me laugh, and made me feel a whole lot better.
Your comment is the first time I’ve read of a Google update being beneficial—wow! I have only ever known them to be devastating and horrific, so that’s good to know.
It’s nice to get the feedback and insight from you and other more experienced bloggers about the Adsense earnings. I’ve been pulling my hair out, but it sounds like it’s mostly out of my control.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment. I hope you’re doing well!
May 5, 2020 at 4:45 pmSounds like you had a really great quarter and reached some awesome milestones — congratulations!
Because I am a terrible blogger, I don’t really spend all that much time analyzing results (or uh, taking any meaningful steps toward monetizing). I should, I know I should, but honestly, I find the process kind of intimidating? Is that lame? It likely is.
Looking forward to checking out the article when it comes out!
May 5, 2020 at 11:37 pmFirst of all congrats on a great quarter. And I know which article it is. 😜
In term of AdSense earning, can’t tell you much since I don’t use it but it probably has to do with the RPM. You should check and see the monthly RPM and see what happens. I suspect your RPM is super low. Also traffic doesn’t mean everyone sees the ads. Some ppl do install ad blockers in the browser to block ads.
One advice I’d give is not to do too much and get overwhelmed completely. Sounds lie you are juggling a lot of things and maybe not getting the results (ie. blog revenue). Ask yourself why you started the blog and podcast in the first place. I’ve seen so many bloggers stopped blogging because they thought it’s easy and it’s easy money. When they find out blogging doesn’t lead to exponential growth, they quickly give up.
May 7, 2020 at 5:48 pmHi Bob—ha ha, thanks for sending the secret link to me. I will share it with everyone soon!
Thanks for letting me know about the RPMs. I know so little about ads and how they work! I’ll have to do more research into this. Thank you for helping to steer me in the right direction.
Yes, I do a lot of things here on the blog, and yes, I’m very results-driven, ha ha. I learned very early on that this blogging thing is sloooow and long-term (like investing) so I try my best to always remember that. Thanks for the advice and reminder. 😉
Clearly, you know what you’re talking about since your blog is nearly six years old! So I will channel my inner Tawcan and slow down once in a while to remember why I’m doing this. (It’s not only to earn money, even if it seems like that’s the case, ha ha.)
May 7, 2020 at 5:41 pmHi Tara—you are not a terrible blogger by any means! I’m just a numbers and tracking nerd, ha ha.
There’s absolutely no need to monetize. I have a goal in mind, but it’s more for myself and for symbolic reasons, not because it’s necessary or expected. I’ll share more about that one day.
I appreciate blogs like yours that are there purely to help others, share your journey, or to help hold yourself accountable. It’s a ton of work, yet you keep doing it for all the right reasons.
I say keep at it and don’t worry what I or others do! We all should blog in a way that makes us happy.
May 12, 2020 at 4:52 pmWell, I appreciate the appreciation haha. I think the goal part might be the key to successful monetization. I’ll be interested to hear more someday about your reasons/goal! I think in my case that lack of a clear goal for monetizing is one of the main reasons I haven’t done much to explore that idea. Will that change some day? Who knows. At the end of the day, I think you’re right re: we should all blog in a way that makes us happy, not the way we think we’re supposed to 🙂
May 12, 2020 at 7:24 pmHi Tara—it’s become more and more apparent to me that every kind of blogger can be successful… as long as they stick it through. And to be able to stick it through, we need to be happy. And success can be defined however we choose. Income and pageviews are not the most important metrics. There are so many others that matter—and are arguably even more important.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The more conversations we have like this, the more we all grow as bloggers. 🙂
May 5, 2020 at 11:59 pmWow, that’s a full on Q1 for you! Looking forward to your SEO course! =)
May 7, 2020 at 5:49 pmRichard—you’re so funny. 😜
May 6, 2020 at 8:55 amNice job with the blog and podcast. The ad revenue is down because companies cut back their advertising budget.
Once the economy improves, the revenue should reflect the blog traffic again.
Keep at it!
May 7, 2020 at 5:51 pmHi Joe—you and the other long-time bloggers who commented here clearly know a lot more than me about ads! I appreciate the comment, feedback, and encouragement. Thank you!
Baby Boomer Super Saver
May 6, 2020 at 10:45 pmYou are doing great, Chrissy! Congratulations on your one-year blogiversary, and also on the magazine feature! Can’t wait to read it, so I hope you will share the link when it goes live!
Honestly, I don’t know how you do it all. What an action packed update.
May 7, 2020 at 5:53 pmHi Kathy—honestly, most of the time, I feel like I’m not doing nearly enough on my blog or podcast. It’s hard to be pulled in so many directions, along with trying to be a good mom and wife! Thanks for your lovely comment. You made my day. ♥
May 9, 2020 at 8:44 amWhat an action packed quarter! From starring in a magazine article to bringing up your stats, you’re on a roll! This year will be memorable for sooo many reasons. I don’t know anything about AdSense but I’m with you that their ad placement is usually disruptive when reading articles. It’s great that you can manually place them.
Thanks for sharing blog insights. I’m learning a lot from you.😊
May 10, 2020 at 9:46 pmHi Ana—ads are a balancing act for sure, and my aim will always be to prioritize my readers’ experience. I hope I’m doing okay with that!
Thanks for the nice comment. I hope you had a nice Mother’s Day today!
May 9, 2020 at 4:14 pmCongrats Chrissy on a nice first quarter of the year on your blog. You are certainly doing so well with pageviews after almost a year and a half blogging. So happy for you.
I think the reason for your ad revenue being down is that ad companies are limiting their marketing spending don’t want to give out as much revenue to bloggers right now. When things are back to normal that’s probably when revenue should ride.
Wishing you continued success on your blog and keep spreading the FI word on the podcast. Cheering for you!!
May 10, 2020 at 9:49 pmHi Kris—I think you’re right about ad revenues dropping due to the downturn we’re in right now. Based on the comments form others here, and what I’ve been reading around the internet, that definitely seems to be the case.
Thank you for the kind words and continued support for my blog and podcast. It means a lot!
May 10, 2020 at 4:44 pmI am grateful you don’t use the other types of ads. So thanks! I think yours are placed in locations that don’t distract much. I actively try to avoid some blogs where the content can be overwhelmed by the ads and can be difficult to scroll through on my smart phone. Just yesterday I was annoyed wondering if a different (new to me) blog was placing them purposely in a manner where my thumb would accidentally hit them when scrolling through the post; as I accidentally hit a different ad 4 times while reading one post!! They had a lot of ads! Super annoying as a reader. Anyhow – good job. I’m looking forward to reading your magazine debut.
May 10, 2020 at 10:04 pmHi Anna—this is such nice feedback! I have had the same experience as you on other websites, where it seems they place the ads exactly where you might accidentally hit them. I hate that!
I like being able to place my ads manually because I can make them do double-duty—they’re also great as visual elements to break up my articles so they’re not these great long walls of text!
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It’s very helpful to know your thoughts.