My Guest Appearances

guest appearances congerdesign

Photo by congerdesign from Pixabay

I love the personal finance community. It’s welcoming, supportive, and everyone’s happy to share tips, tricks, and content. I may be biased, but I think it’s one of the friendliest communities online!

I’ve been very fortunate to have had a number of guest appearance opportunities on other blogs and podcasts, as well as some media outlets. I created this page to share these appearances so that you can support these content creators and learn a little more about me.


Blog interviews

Podcast interviews

Guest posts for other blogs

Featured/quoted on other sites

Speaking, presentations, and other guest appearances

Thank you!

I’d like to thank all the content creators who so generously allowed me to share my story and content with their audience. Please be sure to check out some of their other content while you’re on their sites, and leave a comment if you can!